🔹 The school of a young government employee of the city of Karaganda opens a set!

🎯 The school of a young government employee is the first step towards achieving the goal. At school you have the opportunity not only to try yourself as a government employee, but also to undergo training in personal development and get acquainted with leaders from all over the field.

🗓 Applications will be accepted online from 04.06.2021 to 24.06.2021.

Students of 3-4 courses, undergraduates and graduates of universities of Karaganda region under the age of 29 are invited to participate.

✍️ You can apply by clicking on the link https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdtgfZ4WlX_lFcDoaFeRa6Nvj7ardOZQOzLBPrrRLWOINIoVg/viewform

🔎 Learn more about school at:

8 (778) – 152 – 69 – 28 (WhatsApp)

8 (707) – 262 – 37 – 53 (Telegram)

As well as by e-mail: 2021.shgs@gmail.com

👋 See you at school!


