On December 15, 2020, the open debate platform “Wisdom of the Ages” was held on the Microsoft Teams platform, organized by the groups BZHD-17-1 and BZHD-18-1 in order to inaugurate the merits of the great thinker, promote moral education of young people, to the 1150th anniversary of the birth of the second teacher of the world, Abu-Nasir al-Farabi

Guests of this event:

Head of the Department of RAiOT Zholmagambetov N. R.

Deputy Dean for Educational work of the Mining Faculty Tungyshbaeva A. T.

Senior Researcher of the Karaganda Regional Museum of Local History Shashenov D. T.

Senior curator of the Department of RAiOT Medeubaev N. A.

Today’s curatorial hour combines a number of goals. This means that in addition to getting acquainted with the values of honesty, life path, the merits of the great wise thinker of the great Kazakh steppe of the X century, Abu Nasir Al-Farabi, it is necessary to focus on the fact that the bright future of our jubilee state and the strengthening of its foundations are directly in the hands of the younger generation, it is necessary to educate the future youth with a sense of patriotism and love for their country, to familiarize them with the history of our past, with historical figures.

