“A. Yermekov – the first scientist-mathematician in Kazakhstan”

Report on the round table on the topic “A. Yermekov – the first scientist-mathematician in Kazakhstan”

Organizers: Abayeva N.F., Mergembayeva A.Zh., Shegebayeva G.E. Yarullina A.R.

Date: 23.09.2020


There was held a round table on the topic “A. Yermekov – the first scientist-mathematician in Kazakhstan” in a remote format in the light of the approaching date of the 130th anniversary of Alimkhan Abeuovich Yermekov, September 23, 2020, at 15:00 by teaching staff represented by acting associate professor Abayeva N.F., lecturer Mergembayeva A.Zh, lecturer Shegebayeva G.E., assistant Yarullina A.R. The significant event was attended by 37 participants. There were students of groups LOG-20-2, LOG-20-2s, TT-20-2 among them, given groups are supervised by lecturers Shegebayeva G.E. and Mergembayeva A.Zh.; as well as lecturers of the “Higher Mathematics” department consisting of associate professor Mustafina L.M., acting associate professor Zhurov V.V., senior lecturer of the “Kazakh Language and Culture” department, Vice-Dean of educational work Ospangaliyeva M.T. The event was conducted according to a prepared scenario, the students have presented the reports of 5-10 minutes length under given scenario.

Yerkebayev Emir, a student of the group LOG-20-2, acquainted the participants of the round table with the origins and predecessors of the scientific and social activities of Alimkhan Abeuovich Yermekov in the report “Childhood and youth of A. Yermekov”. In the report on the topic “Where did A. Yermekov study”, a student of the group TT-20-2 Kaparova Tamila noted the predisposition of the great scientist-mathematician to certain branches of science, as well as his achievements in his student years. “Awards and achievements of A. Yermekov” in the form of the report was presented by Volokoncev Andrey, student of the group LOG-20-2. The presented report was informative, accompanied by visual material in the form of an illustrated presentation. The student was prepared and conducted extensive research, given research showed how multifaceted was the activity of A.A. Yermekov, and the performance ended with the student’s formed personal opinion. Schmidt Vera, student of the group TT-20-2 prepared a report that was entitled as “Hard way of life of A. Yermekov”, in which participants were briefed about the years spent by mathematician in the Gulag, and also how these significant events influenced his work and activities. The report “The work of A. Yermekov at the Karaganda Polytechnic Institute” was presented by a student of the group LOG-20-2 Satylganova Tomiris. Beisbekov Razmat, a student of the group TT-20-2, read a report on the topic “Photo history of the life of A. Yermekov” in which he synthesized the chronology of the life of Alimkhan Abeuovich Ermekov in a visual format. The report on the topic “The legacy of A. Yermekov”, which the participants of the round table heard from Beysekeyeva Asem, a student of the group LOG-20-2, the report was a detailed presentation that highlighted the legacy that the mathematician left for us as for his descendants.

Alimkhan Abeuovich Yermekov is not just one of the brightest pages in the centuries-old struggle of the Kazakh people for independence in stories and movement of Alash and his glorious leaders, but also the human model, for many years fruitfully engaged in scientific and pedagogical creative activity.

Professor of mathematics Yermekov was intensively engaged in the development of scientific mathematical terminology and the creation of textbooks and tutorials in mathematics in the Kazakh language. The group of mathematicians headed by him (N. Bakaev, R. Bukeikhanov, R. Maskeev) successfully developed and published several bulletins on mathematical terminology in the Kazakh language. Alimkhan Abeuovich was distinguished by his high professionalism, conscientiousness, and organizational talent of the lecturer, for which he was repeatedly encouraged by the leadership.

The whole life and work of Alimkhan Yermekov is a clear and worthy example for us, contemporaries, in defining a personal position in a dynamic world. After all, the success of Kazakhstan’s modernization and building a truly competitive developed democratic state will depend on each citizen, his life position, and his attitude towards society.

