Center of Engineering Education since 2012 has been participating  in the project Tempus-IV (EU) on topic QUEECA – Quality of Engineering Education in Central Asia (Quality of Engineering Education in Central Asia).

Project coordinator: University of Florence (Италия).

Consortium members from the EU are Italy, France, Germany, Belgium (ENAEE, SEFI), countries of Central Asia are Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

The amount of funding for the project is 1 228 659, 60 €.

General aim of the project: Create and start implementation of the system to en-sure the quality of engineering education in Central Asia with the final accreditation of engineering programs. This system will be based on the main European standards (EUR-ACE) will have the advantage of experience in European higher education (through the European network of accreditation of engineering education – ENAEE) and ongoing efforts in Kazakhstan (Kazakhstan Society for Engineering Education – KazSEE).

The main objectives of the project:

  1. Creating Engineering EducationCommunities (strengtheningKazSEE in Kazakhstan)and the RegionalFederation ofEESin Central Asiafor thepartnership with the EuropeanSocietyfor Engineering Education(SEFI)andthe International Federation ofEngineering Education(IFEES).
  2. Creating a national technical accreditation centers able to carry out technical accreditation in the country.
  3. Adapting to Central Asia, Europe EUR-ACE standards and procedures.
  4. A series of “test accreditations” to test the first projects CASAS.
  5. Formulation of Technical Accreditation Standards in Central Asia (CABELAS) in Russian and English languages.
  6. Carrying out the first test (real) accreditation of engineering programs in Central Asia.
  7. Carrying shorten intensive programs teaching English university staff involved in the project.

Karaganda State Technical University in the framework of TEMPUS project QUEECA – Quality of Engineering Education in Central Asia solves certain problems with an emphasis on such components as the quality of education and human resources.

Improving the quality of education is achieved through the faculty participation in the development of the Central Asian accreditation standards of natural and technical programs in accordance with European standards and the employers requirements: QUEECA Standards and Guidelines (‘QUEECA Model’) for the internal quality assurance of study programs in engineering, as well as by improving the material and technical equipment of the educational process (purchase of equipment for web-seminars).

Increasing the professionalism of human capacity through the participation of teachers in training workshops on the preparation of national experts on accreditation engineering programs and intensive English language training programs.

International cooperation of KSTU in the field of science and education in the framework of the project TEMPUS-QUEECA promotes the international integration of vocational schools, the establishment of equal and mutually beneficial partnership between the subjects of education in different countries and is an effective tool for the development potential of high school, a high level of educational programs in the system of engineering education and, finally, production of competent and competitive professionals.

