14th Republican subject Olympiad

Latypov Artem, a student of the TT-19-2c group, took the 1st prize in the 14th Republican subject Olympiad on the educational program “Transport, Transport Equipment and Technologies” (discipline Fundamentals of technical operation of transport equipment), held on the basis of L.N. Gumilev ENU, Nur-Sultan in online format (Department of TEandLS, head Mukhtarov T.).

Nurov Shahrom, a students of the TT-20-1 group took the 3rd prize in the 14th Republican subject Olympiad on the educational program “Transport, transport equipment and technologies” (discipline Energy installations of transport equipment), held on the basis of the Academy of Logistics and Transport, Almaty in an offline format (Department of TEandLS, head of Sungatollakyzy A.).
