Articles from periodicals for September 2016

Higher education in Russia 2016 No. 6

Practice of education modernization

The training of the teaching staff, pedagogy of higher education and engineering pedagogy

Engineering education: in the interests of the regions in the interests of the country

Features of teaching work in a strong technical College

Socio-cultural mission of the University in the context of the development of the region

Internationalization of education as the activity of the UNIVERSITY

Competence approach in the organization of educational work at the UNIVERSITY

The activities of the business incubator USTU and the UNIVERSITY’s image

Speech culture of students of technical UNIVERSITIES

Higher education today 2016 No. 6

Monitoring educational organizations: the correct path we chose?

Theoretical and methodological aspects of the formation of life prospects for young people learning as a factor of ensuring the quality of life

Designing the competence-oriented physics course for bachelor’s degree, technical profile

Chaadaev and Chaadaeva

American wonder Why American science and culture are the best in the world?
