University received invitations to the conferences:

  1. October 25-26, 2013 will be held International scientific-practical conference “Education-science- society: problem of interaction and prospects”, Taldykorgan, Zhansugirov Zhetysu state university;
  2. 2.October 30-31, 2013 will be held International correspondence scientific-practical conference «Innovative potential, status and development trends in the economy, project management, education, political science, law, psychology, ecology, medicine, Philology, philosophy, sociology, engineering, physics, mathematics”,Saint-Petersburg
  3. November 14, 2013 will be held scientific-practical conference “Green economics – step to the future”, Karaganda, Buketov KSU;
  4. November 19, 2013 will be held International scientific-practical conference “Problems of cultural modernization in Kazakhstan”, Almaty, Al-Pharabi KazNU;
  5. November 26, 2013 will be held Republican scientific-practical conference “Demographic policy in Kazakhstan: potential and alternative of development”, Astana;
  6. November 26-27, 2013 will be held International school-conference «Innovation zone. The best practice technology. Transfer centers», Tomsk;
  7. November 27-29, 2013 will be held International scientific-technical conference “Science and technology of construction materials: condition and prospects of development”, Minsk, Belorussian state technological university;
  8. November 29, 2013 will be held a scientific – practical conference «Kazakhstan 2050 : Strategy of long-term priorities of development of independent Kazakhstan», Kostanai;
  9. December 5, 2013 will be held the 16th international scientific and practical conference «Territorial marketing in the socio-economic development in the region», Yaroslavl;
  10. December 10, 2013 will be held International scientific-practical conference «Legacy of Abylai Khan: coherence and continuity of ideas», Almaty, Abylai Khan Kazakh University of international relations and world languages;
  11. December 20, 2013 will be held Republican scientific-practical conference «Preparation and continuing professional development of teachers of primary school to learn Russian language in terms of 12-year school», Almaty, Institute of pedagogics and psychology KazNPU anmed after Abai;
  12. December 21-28, 2013 will be held International scientific conference «Prospects of development of plant-growing», «Problems of ecological monitoring», «Rational use of natural biological resources», Rome, Italy;

Invitation to scientific-technical conferences in Moscow:

October 30, 2013, «Methodology and practice of modern jurisprudence»;

November 4, 2013, « Issues of pedagogy, psychology and education: new word in science»;

November 10, 2013,  «Modernization of health care system: methodology, problems, solution»;

November 11, 2013,  Actual issues of social sciences: sociology, policy, philosophy, history, philology;

November 15, 2013, «Modern psychology: methodology and practice». 

March 18-19, 2014 will be held International scientific-practical conference «Innovative technologies and projects in the mining and metallurgical complex, their scientific and human resources», Almaty, K.I. Satpayev KazNTU;


Detailed information can be obtained in Department of Science
(main building, room 226) or on the website 
WWW.KSTU.KZ (news).



11 қараша 2013 жыл, Қоғамдық ғылымдардың өзекті сұрақтары: әлеуметтану, саясаттану, философия, тарих, филология»;

15 қараша 2013 жыл,  «Қазіргі психология: «Әдістеме және практика».

  1. 2014  ж., наурыз айының 18-19 күндері «Тау-кен металлургиялық кешендегі инновациялық технологиялар мен жобалар, олардың ғылыми және кадрлық қамтамасыз ету» атты Халықаралық ғылыми-практиалық конференциясы өтеді, Алматы, К.И.Сатпаев атындағы ҚазҰТУ.


Толық ақпаратты Ғылым Департаментінен
бас ғимарат, каб. 226) немесе WWW.KSTU.KZ (жаңалықтар) сайтынан алуға болады.

