On February 12, passed interuniversity the table tennis tournament among students activists of KSTU, which was organized by the sports Committee in cooperation with the labor Union of the faculty of engineering Economics and management. The organizers of the table tennis tournament determined the faculties in groups and presented all participants with the rules of the game, and with a few simple rules of sports games table tennis. In the hall present were fans of each faculty, which the organizers proposed to put bets on players sweets.

Thus, the game became interesting not only to the players but also the fans. To maintain the special energy in the hall for table tennis played nice music, participants of this music even more entertained and the game was more energetic. Of course, as in all sports, the tournament began with the national anthem of our country, that the atmosphere has changed to a more peaceful chiming of the clock. And started the hot game. Fans put delicious sweets on certain players that were more motivirovalo participants to play actively. Participants played confidently that at some point the usual tournament between the faculties of our University seems to have turned into a professional tournament of Champions table tennis. Huge thanks need to provide the labor Union of the faculty of engineering Economics and management, because the activists showed himself in this tournament at all with the other hand.

In this tournament are good and the girls, they did not step behind the boys and showed decent and hot game. So, the strongest were among male members of the faculty of mining that took 1st place. 2nd place was taken by the players of the faculty of architecture and masonry structure which proved very active, not less than players of the mining Department. And 3rd place went to the faculty of the organizers of engineering Economics and management And now the results of our beautiful ladies:1st place – faculty of engineering Economics and management, they played more actively,because at stake is a whole box of chocolates. 2nd place girls of the faculty of architecture and masonry structure, and 3rd place activists of the faculty of power engineering and telecommunications After this hot game all the participants were awarded with diplomas and medals and the winners of the tournament received a special Cup. The table tennis tournament helped the participants to meet, get to know each other better and to attract students to the sport. Huge thanks to the organizers of this tournament, which gave the students of each faculty the opportunity to show themselves and distractions of everyday life.

Author: Kurmanbayeva Assemnur GEK-14-1
