The plan of research work of students of department of Informatics

The plan of research work of students of department of Informatics

The plan of research work of students of department of Informatics for 2011-2012




Event (name) Term of execution Executors Mark about performance
1 Formation of circles of scientific research work of students: 

1)    Applications programming in Visual Basic language

2)    Computer graphics

3)    Bases of working out of Web-pages

September, 2011 Kan O.A. 

Mazhitova D.S.

Zharkimbekova A.T.

2 Involving of students in research work of department Within an academic year Likhachev V.V..
3 The organization and carrying out of the olympiads and competitions 

1)      The regional remote olympiad on computer science.        

March-April, 2012 Likhachev V.V. 

Kan O.A.,

Zharkimbekova A.T.,

Kadirova Z.B.

4 Participation of students in republican competition of scientifically research work of students – 2 articles January-February, 2011 Kan O.A. 

Hrustalev D.P.

Likhachev V.V.

5 Participation of students in scientific conferences of various level (not less than 5 students) Within an academic year Zharkimbekova A.T.,  

Kadirova Z.B.,

Zhaksybaeva S.R.,

Mazhitova D.S.

6 The publication of results of scientific works (not less than 5 articles) Within an academic year Likhachev V.V., 

Mazhitova D.S.,

ППС кафедры

7 Stand updating on scientifically research work of students of department June, 2011 Likhachev V.V. 

Mazhitova D.S.

8 The publication of results of research work of students in mass-media (1 article) June, 2011 Likhachev V.V.,  

Mazhitova D.S.
