
The structure of chair AIP on 2014-2015 academic year:

Chair manager, professor, Dr.Tech.Sci.Brejdo Joseph VulfovichArea of scientific and engineering interests – the automated electric drive (AED), the automated control system of technological process (ACS TP), imitating modeling of system of automated management (SAM), system of automated regulation (SAR) and AED, information technology in AED, working out the systems of protection, management and control of electric networks and electric drives of mining machines.Contact telephone numbers: 56-51-84 (the chair AIP, audience 131 of the main case) 56-53-25 (IV case, aud. 107)
Professor of chair AIP, Dr.Tech.Sci.Feshin Boris Nikolayevich(the graduate of chair AIP of 1971).Area of scientific interests – multicoherent control systems of mining machines (MM), mathematical modeling, imitating means and systems for research MM, information technology in the field of electropower systems.Contact telephone numbers: 56-53-25 (IV case, aud. 107)
Senior lecturer of chair AIP, Can.Tech.Sci.Karakulin Mikhail Leonidovich(the graduate of chair AIP of 1966).The basic scientific interests: modern control systems of the traction electric drive (electric locomotives, trams, trolley buses).
Responsible on chair for the organization and carrying out educational and industrial practices, for carrying out and the organization of protection of degree projects of students.
Senior lecturer of chair AIP, Can.Tech.Sci.Shatokhin Vasily Nikitich(the graduate of chair AIP of 1960).The basic scientific interests in the field of automation of industrial processes, creation of technical means and automated systems of safety precautions of the mining enterprises.
Senior lecturer of chair AIP, Can.Tech.Sci.Kochkin Alexandr Mihailovich(the graduate of chair AIP of 1973).Contact telephone numbers: 56-75-98 +1051 (the chair AIP, audience 131 of the main case)
Senior lecturer, Can.Tech.Sci.Kaverin Vladimir Victorovich(the graduate of chair AIP of 1982).The basic scientific interests – in the field of the automated electric drive and automation of industrial processes.
Has more than 40 scientific and methodical works.
Senior teacherEm Gennady Arkadievich(the graduate of chair AIP of 1990).Area of scientific and engineering interests – automation of underground mining works, working out of means and systems of automated management and control of technological processes.
The head of methodical bureau of chair, the editor of the bulletin of Association AIP, the councilor of military-patriotic club “Отан”.
Senior teacherSichkarenko Andrey VladimirovichThe area of scientific and engineering interests – working out of means and systems of automated management and control of technological processes on microprocessor base.
Senior teacherDaich Leonid Izrailevich(the graduate of chair AIP of 1985).The basic scientific interests in the field of the electric drive, automation of industrial processes, means of protection against defeat by an electric current.
The representative on quality management system (QMS) of chair AIP
Zhumagulova Dinara Keshubaevnasenior teacher of chair AIP


Smagulova Karshiga Kanatovnasenior teacher of chair AIP
Lapina Larisa Mikhailovnasenior teacher of chair AIP
Alexey Kalinin senior teacher of chair AIP
A graduate of the Karaganda State Technical University in 1998 majoring in “Power and automation of technological systems.”
He has more than 40 publications, textbooks and electronic textbooks. He was awarded the medal to the 55th anniversary of KSTU.
Constant and active participant in high school sports days, the department responsible for the publication of APP and certification of electronic uchebnikov.
Telephone servant. 56-52-15; house. 47-31-26. e-mail:

Potemkina Elena Borisovna senior teacher of chair AIP
KSTU 1997 graduate of the specialty “Power supply general industrial enterprises.” Conducts training courses on “The theory of linear and nonlinear SAR”, “digital technology”, “Integral and IEDs”, “Electronics”.


Telbaeva Shynar Zarykbekovna senior teacher of chair AIP
Nurmagambetova Janar Sahitovnasenior teacher of chair AIP
Nurmagambetova Gulmir Sahitovnaassistant of chair AIP
Avdeev Leonid AnatolyevichCan.Tech.Sci., senior lecturer of chair AIP.The deputy director for a science of enterprise “Ugleservis”


Ivanov Valeriy Anatolievichsenior teacher of chair AIP.The basic direction of spent scientific researches – programming of industrial logic controlers in languages of technical standards.Working out of SCADA-systems of the closed and distributed technological processes and manufactures.
Marquardt Roman Vladimirovich Senior teacher of chair AIP.Area of scientific interests – modern means of industrial automatics.
Voitkevich Sophia Valentinovna Senior teacher of chair AIP.
Em Igor Arkadievich manager of educational laboratories of chair AIP
Enina Tatiana Petrovna educational master
Janat Arman Zhanatula assistant of chair AIP.
Bulatbayeva Julia Feliksovna teacher of chair AIP.
A graduate of KSTU 2010. In 2012 she defended her master’s thesis on “Automation and Control”. “Coauthor 3 e-books, 1 manual, 18 publications. Presented to the national competition of scientific – research work, which took place 1.
Sadvakasov Viktor Sagitovich teacher of chair AIP.

Kotov Evgeniy Sergeevich teacher of chair AIP.

Shoshymbekova Gulnur Temirbekovna assistant of chair AIP.

Zhekeeva Sholpan Esengeldyevna assistant of chair AIP.

