The head of “Organization of production” department’s list of foreign articles

The head of “Organization of production” department’s list of foreign articles

The head of ‘Organization of production’ department  Steblyakova Larisa Petrovna regullary published works  in different  magazines and scientific journals.
Here is the list of foreighn articles published from 2007 till 2012 years

Title of article The journal titles Annotation
1. State regulation of structural changes in the economy Проблемы экономики. – № 2 (15). 2007 y. – p. 52-56. (Moscow, Russia), 0,6 s. State regulation as the major factor of effective functioning of national economy is considered; the periods of transformation of economy of Kazakhstan and a role of the state at each stage of progress are allocated; groups of social and economic functions of the state – system-forming, system-confirming, system-reproducing are certain, – as well as mechanisms and tools of the state economic policy.
Economic restructuring an objective need of Kazakhstan in the context of globalization Экономические науки: Научно-информационный журнал. – № 6 (31). 2007 y. – p. 44-48. (Moscow, Russia), 0,6 s. The essence of globalization, high and low opinions of globalization processes are considered. It is inferred about objectivity, systematization, hierarchy of the globalization process. The necessity of structure reorganization of the economy of Kazakhstan in new conditions of managing is revealed. The paths of transformation of the economy of Kazakhstan in globalization conditions are considered.
3.Use a systematic approach to the study of structural transformation of the economy Экономические науки: Научно-информационный журнал. – № 7 (32). 2007 г. –  С. 100-104. (Moscow, Russia), 0,6 s. The evolution of determinations “a system”, “an economic system” is considered; the composition of a system and its characteristics are investigated. The contents of an economic structure are determined; the transformation of an economic system is investigated by means of a system method. The structure transformation of an economic system is considered by means of the theory of self-organization.
4.Approaches to the study of the possibilities for the creation of regional clusters and their impact on the economic structure Региональная экономика: теория и практика. № 17  (56). 2007.  – С. 13-20.
(Moscow, Russia),
0,8 s.
Some methods of research of clusters are investigated. The opportunities of development of a cluster «Black metallurgy and metal working» in the Karaganda area are revealed. The strong and weak parties of a cluster, opportunity and threat are considered. The parameters describing a nucleus of a cluster are determined. The influence of a cluster to economic structure is revealed.
5. Modern concepts of economic development and structural transformation of economic systems Вопросы экономических наук. – № 1. 2008.  – С. 33-36. (Moscow, Russia), 

0,6 s.

Modern concepts of progress of economic systems are studied, their key points are stated, advantages and lacks are revealed. For studying dynamics of economic systems and their structural transformation “the concept of synthetic modernization” which is based complex use of positions of existing approaches is offered.
6. Study of structural transformation of economic systems based on the self-organization theory Вопросы экономических наук. – №3 (31). 2008.  – p. 10-14. (Moscow, Russia), 0,5 s. Features of functioning and property of the economic system concerning a class of self-organization systems are considered. Possibilities of the appendix of the theory of self-organizing, including the theory of accidents, to structural transformations of economic system are studied.
7. Analysis of the institutional conditions of structural transformation of the economy of Kazakhstan Региональная экономика: теория и практика. – № 20 (77). 2008.  – С. 65-78. (Moscow, Russia), 1,3 s. The problems which have resulted development of such colleges, as a private property institution and its domination in economy are revealed; introduction of colleges of management by a state ownership; formation of the open market economy; liberalization of the prices; formation of the companies, 

adequate to modern conditions of managing; development of strategic programs of progress of Kazakhstan and an indispensability of perfection of financial, tax systems, making active of investment processes and others.

8.Ownership institution transformation in Kazakhstan Проблемы экономики. – №4. 2008. – С. 13-17. (Moscow, Russia),
0,5 s.
The structure of industrial production of Kazakhstan on patterns of ownership is studied; the institute environment in area of attitudes of the property is analyzed; activity of the institutes of the progress, separating economic functions from the government is analyzed. The socially-enterprise corporations, playing a role of regional institutes of progress, is analyzed.
9. . The formation of the modern concept of development of countries with economies in transition Национальные интересы: приоритеты и безопасность. № 11 (32). 2008. – С. 75-86.  (Moscow, Russia), 

1,3 s.

The decision of the questions, concerning contents of the present stage of transformation of economic systems of the countries with transitive economy, requires carrying out of a comprehensive analysis taken place the transformational processes and formation in view of the received experience of the modern concept of social and economic progress. 

In this connection in article the specific character of the European model, experience of Japan and other countries of Southeast Asia, approaches to reforms in the countries of Latin America are considered, results of realization of reforms by means of “shock therapy” and gradualism are studied. In article the basic directions of the new concept of social and economic progress in which basis the CDF-concept is put are stated.

10.Problems of formation and development of the national innovation system of the Republic of Kazakhstan Национальные интересы: приоритеты и безопасность. № 1 (34). 2009. – С. 60-75. (Moscow, Russia), 

1,5 s.

Transfer of economy of Kazakhstan into innovative model of progress requires the decision of the problems connected with formation and progress of national innovative system. In article the analysis of innovative activity of the enterprise environment and the factors influencing it is lead; mechanisms of state regulation of environment, making knowledge, financial maintenance of stages of innovative process are considered; the role of institutes of progress during commercialization of results of researches and development and formation of innovative infrastructure of NIS is investigated. Also the SWOT-analyze of the state innovative policy of Kazakhstan is lead and recommendations on its perfection is given.
11.The cluster approach to solving the problem of modernization of the economy Человек и труд. № 3. 2010. – С. 64-67. (Moscow, Russia),
0,4 s.
The system and socialize method to the realization of modernization on an innovation base is determined. It with the “Institutes – competition – government”  is effective realizing by means of the creating of competition clusters.
12. Implementation of cluster initiatives as the mechanism of transformation of economic systems Вопросы экономических наук. №2 (47). 2011. – С. 12-14. (Moscow, Russia), 0,4 s. The role clusters is shown to competitiveness in realization of system and social aspects of transformation of economic systems; variation of a content of the state industrial policy is revealed at the cluster approach, directed on progress of relationships and maintenance of a combination of a competition and cooperation.
13.Problems of the kompetentnostnogo approach to the preparation of bachelors, masters of engineering and Economics Вопросы гуманитарных наук. №2 (52). 2011. – С. 95-98. (Moscow, Russia), 0,4 s. The concept of the competence as bases of formation the approach of activity is given; structuration of the competence on blocks is resulted; target problems are certain and results the approach of competence in educational activity are stated; criteria assessments of formation of the competence of students are given.
14.The need for system paradigm of economic development Проблемы экономики. – №6. 2011. (Moscow, Russia), 0,4 s. Conclusions on the weakness of a paradigm of a free market economy connected with imperfection of the information and failures of a market mechanism are drawn. The most adequate is the system paradigm according to which social, institutional and organizational structures are internal variables of market processes.
15.Problems and perspectives of modernization of the economy of Kazakhstan Проблемы экономики. – №6. 2011. (г. Москва, Россия), 0,4 п.л. The role intellectual property to transfer economy on an innovative way of progress is shown; the factors, braking innovative progress of Kazakhstan are revealed; the necessary orientation of the state measures of modernization progresses on an innovative basis is certain.