
Sky-Tech VACANCY_Аnalyst-Tester

Sky-Tech VACANCY_Business-Analyst

Sky-Tech VACANCY Engineer Karaganda


Sky-Tech VACANCY_Тester of Automated testing


Sky-Tech – is Kazakhstan’s IT company, which works in the market of development of large and complex software systems. The mission of Sky-Tech is expressed in the slogan of the company «As for ourselves». We pay special attention to the quality of our work, which is the notion of a deep and multi-faceted.

The main directions of our company is software development and IT consulting. 90% of our customers are public sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

For the current day there  is the rapid development of E-Government in Kazakhstan and Sky-Techn works in this market. «E-Government» is the opportunity to apply the latest technologies and achievements in software engineering practice and bring them in our everyday life.

We are engaged in the reform of legislation, the optimization of activities of state bodies, development of large and complex software systems. Participate in developing E-Government architecture and helping to manage the process of Informatization of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

All vacancies of our company is a specific position in real projects, shoulder to shoulder with experienced experts. This is our contribution to development of Kazakhstan and our future change.


All vacancies of “Sky-Tech” Company

Contacts to send CV:

tel. +7 7212 920 701

+7 7212 920 703
