Scientific works


scientific and scientific-methodological works of


for  2009-2011

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1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Comparative evaluation of the stress state of rock mass analytical and numerical methods (Article) The patterns of stress-strain state of coal will help to establish the specific conditions of using rational parameters of side rocks. Science and technical and industrial Mining magazine of Kazakhstan, Almaty, 2009, P.24-26 3с/0,5с Demin V.F.

Tutanov S.K.

Zhurov V.V.

Demin V.V.

2 Thermodynamics and thermal conductivity of minerals (Article) The thermodynamic model for the description of heat conductivity of minerals is offered. The formulas connecting factor of heat conductivity of minerals with their thermodynamic parameters are received. Comparison with experiment has shown the good consent with the offered model. Scientific magazine «Regional bulletin of east» №2(42), Ust-Кamenogorsk, 2009, P. 3-7 5с/1с Yurov V.M.

Tursunbayeva A.K.

3 Assessment of probable reserves of Kazakhstan magnetite deposits (аrticle) Identified here are the regularities of changes in black iron ores’ magnetic susceptibility driven by the thermo-dynamic conditions of their occurrence; magnetic susceptibility of magnetic iron ore and other magnetic minerals of the Gibbs energy as related to the host medium and ore. Forecast reserves of several fields are assessed on the basis of the regularities in changes of the ores’ magnetic susceptibility depending on their contents of iron connected with magnetic iron ore. Science-technical magazine «industry of Kazakhstan», №2, Аlmaty, 2009, P. 85-87 3с/0,5с Yurov V.M.

Tursunbayeva A.K.

Maussymbayeva A.D.

Puzeeva M.P.

4 Investigation of the nature of the manifestations of rock pressure in different types of lining development workings (article) The comparative observation of the rock pressure manifestation in the workings of mines with different types of fasteners. Science and technical and industrial magazine «mine surveying and subsurface management», №4 (42), Мoscow, 2009, P. 56-59 4с/0,5с Demin V.F.

Saranchukov A.V.

Demin V.V.

5 The study of technological stratification of rocks (article) Produced identification technology bundle of rocks. Studies have established the impact main technology factors on the effectiveness of anchor attachment in the excavation work. Science-technical providing of mining industry: IMW works named after A.Kunaeva: 77 part. Under the general editorship: PhD, prof. Galiyeva S.Zh. – Аlmaty, 2009. – P.28-33. 6с-1,3с Demin V.F.

Zhurov V.V.

Demina T.V.

Balabas A.U.

6 Calculation of parameters of anchoring mines (article) An intelligent information system that provides the adoption of technological solutions and used for calculating the parameters of the anchoring roof with the submission of the scheme’s operation on the basis of geomechanical prediction of the state of the rock mass. Science-technical providing of mining industry: IMW works named after A.Kunaeva: 77 part. Under the general editorship: PhD, prof. Galiyeva S.Zh. – Аlmaty, 2009. – P.34-41. 8с/4с Demin V.F.

Demina T.V.

Balabas A.U.

7 Geophysical testing of nuclear ores in JSC “Kazakhmys Corporation” (Article) Rentgenradiometrical approbation of copper content ores with use of spectrometers RPP-12, RLP-21, RLP-21T provides geological monitoring of their quality Си and accompanying components, including Ag, Cd, Mo, Co, .Se, Zn, etc.; for the control and quality management of extraction of ores and metals. Science-technical providing of mining industry: IMW works named after A.Kunaeva: 78 part. Under the general editorship: PhD, prof. Galiyeva S.Zh. – Аlmaty, 2009. – P.80-86. 7с/3с Yefimenko S.A.

Tursunbayeva A.K.

8 Testing of copper ore deposits in Kazakhstan by X-ray radiometric method (article) Set of methodical and hardware workings out has provided the status x-ray radio metrical approbations as basic tool of geological monitoring prospecting and getter works. Magazine of Siberian Federal University, Part «Techniques and technologies», 2 Volume, №4, December, 2009, P. 345-358 14с/6с Yefimenko S.A.

Tursunbayeva A.K.

Maussymbayeva A.D.

9 Investigation of technological parameters of steelpolymer anchors (Article) Researches have shown the feasibility of consolidation in the native array fastening compounds, where the disclosure is insignificant (not more than 0,001 – 0,002 m). Science and technical and industrial Mining magazine of Kazakhstan, Almaty, №3 (58), 2010. – P.12-15. 4с/1с Demin V.F.

Surov E.G.

Demina T.V.

Iskakov E.S.

10 Thermodynamics of crushing ore for heap leaching of metals 1, part 1. Nonequilibrium statistical thermodynamics of crushing (article) The problems of the solids and minerals fracture. On the basis of nonequilibrium statistical thermodynamics to obtain an equation for the efficiency of the processes of fragmentation. Bulletin of ENU named after L.N. Gumiliev, 2010, №4. P.49-59. 11с/2,5с Tursunbayeva A.K.

Maussymbayeva A.D.

Yurov V.M.

11 Thermodynamics of crushing ore for heap leaching of metals 2, Part 2. The method of analogy. Thermodynamic criteria and constraints. (Article) In this part of the work through the process of crushing the ore, using the method of analogy. Expressions are obtained for the size of pieces of ore minerals by physical parameters. Bulletin of ENU named after L.N. Gumiliev, 2010, №4. P.60-70. 11с/2,25с Tursunbayeva A.K.

Maussymbayeva A.D.

Yurov V.M.

12 Thermodynamics of crushing ore for heap leaching of metals 3, part 3. Microscopic models of destruction. The disintegration of refractory ores (аrticle) In this article, a thermodynamic approach to the problems of crushing, grinding, disintegration of the ore are suggested. Bulletin of ENU named after L.N. Gumiliev, 2010, №4. P.71-80. 10с/2,25с Tursunbayeva A.K.

Maussymbayeva A.D.

Yurov V.M.

13 Weeping the cyanide solution through the porous of ore. 3. chemical reactions (article) The general solution obtained in Part I, further elaborated on the models close to reality. A model of the dissolution of gold particles by leaching in a porous ore is considered. International magazine of applied and fundamental researches №7, 2010.  P.96-102. Part «Тechnical science» 7с/1,4с Vorobiev A.E.

Tursunbayeva A.K.

Yurov V.M.

Maussymbayeva A.D.

14 Weeping the cyanide solution through the porous of ore. 2. Homogeneous boundary conditions (Article) A model of the flow solution with homogeneous boundary conditions for revealing the basic laws of motion of the solution in the capillary is considered. The main regularities infiltration cyanide solutions through a porous ore are established. International magazine of applied and fundamental researches №7, 2010.  P.. Part «Тechnical science» 7с/1,4с Vorobiev A.E.

Tursunbayeva A.K.

Yurov V.M.

Maussymbayeva A.D.

15 Weeping the cyanide solution through the porous of ore. 1. The total consideration. (Article) The problem about infiltration of cyanide solution through a porous ore provided by the system of parallel capillaries with a perfect connection is considered. The problem of adsorption kinetics, which determines the balance in the individual crystals of the adsorbent and in the secondary porous structure, is solved. International magazine of applied and fundamental researches №7, 2010.  P.82-84. Part «Тechnical science» 3с/1,4с Vorobiev A.E.

Tursunbayeva A.K.

Yurov V.M.

Maussymbayeva A.D.

16 Evaluation of prospective reserves of magnetite ore (article) The dependence of changes in the magnetic susceptibility of rocks and ore deposits of magnetite iron content associated with magnetite-pressure thermodynamic parameters and mineral composition. Theoretical and applied aspects of geoinformatics. Scientific works, Ukraine, Kiev, 2010, p. 250-260. 11с/2,5 Yurov V.M.

Reva N.V.

Tursunbayeva A.K.

Puzeeva M.P.

17 The dependence of the quantum yield of x-ray crystal density of excitation (article) The procedure, which has a rapidity and requires no sophisticated equipment Scientific magazine «Bulletin of science and educational development», №1, Моscow «Academy of applied science», 2011., P. 15-17 3с/1с Maussymbayeva A.D.

Yurov V.M.

18 Temperature dependence of the quantum yield of x-ray crystal (article) In this article, the relations that allow to conduct directed synthesis of new luminofors various applications in thermodynamic parameters of inorganic and organic compounds Scientific magazine «The scientific life», №1, Моscow, 2011., P. 22-24 3с/1с Maussymbayeva A.D.

Yurov V.M.

19 The kinetics of accumulation of color centers in irradiated crystals (article) The kinetic of radiation accumulation defects in pure crystals and in crystals with impurities is shown Scientific magazine «The scientific life», №1, Моscow, 2011., P. 25-28 3,5с/1,5с Maussymbayeva A.D.

Yurov V.M.

20 Superficial tension of solid state, small particles and thin films The review of new methods of definition of a superficial tension of solid state, small particles and thin films is given. Methods are based on universal dependence of physical size on the size of small particles of a solid state or a thickness of a film. Scientific and technical magazine «The success of modern natural science», №11, Моscow «Academy of applied science», 2011., P. 55-59 4с/1с Yurov V.M.

Ibrayev N.K.

Guchenko S.A.

21 Effect of natural radioactivity in the thermal conductivity of rocks and minerals Within the limits of thermodynamic model the question on dependence of heat conductivity of minerals from influence of natural radiation is considered. Scientific magazine «Bulletin of science and educational development», №5, Моscow «Academy of applied science», 2011., P. 27-34 7с/2с Yurov V.M.

Tursunbayeva A.K.

Zhaksilikov A.S.

22 Size effects and conductivity of minerals The thermodynamic model which describes communication of heat conductivity with the size of grains of minerals is offered. Formulas for experimental definition of critical radius are received. Scientific magazine «Bulletin of science and educational development», №5, Моscow «Academy of applied science», 2011., P. 34-37 4с/1с Yurov V.M.

Tursunbayeva A.K.

Zolotuhin S.V.

Sarsembayeva A.Zh.

23 The influence of matrix effect on the results of XRF analysis of minerals The paper presents an analytical model describing the regularities of the influence of temperature, pressure and other parameters on XRF minerals containing metal impurities. Scientific magazine «Science surveying», №4, Моscow «Academy of applied science», 2011., P. 4-10 7с/2с Yurov V.M.

Tursunbayeva A.K.

Golyk A.V.

24 Geophysical testing of quality control of ores (monograph) Given the basis of geological and geophysical testing and metrological characteristics. The issues of reliability of geophysical data, tasks, scope, apparatus and equipment techniques. Кaragandy, Publishing KSTU, 2009 207с/110с Tursunbayeva A.K.

Shugaipov A.G.

25 Geotechnological methods of extracting minerals (monograph) This work presents the scientific and practical basis of the criteria and  classification for geo-hydro-technological extraction methods of the lithosphere and hydrosphere, metals and other minerals based on physical, physics-chemical and bacterial and chemical processes. Кaragandy, Publishing-polytrophic center of Kazakhstan-Russian University, 2010.- 426 p. 27 п.л Vorobiev A.E.

Tursunbayeva A.K.

Maussymbayeva A.D. Yurov V.M.

26 Geophysical method estimation of grade ores precious and colored metals when mine exploitation  (monograph) The monograph offers the use of entropy and thermodynamic models in geophysical mapping of deposits of precious metals, the application of nuclear methods to assess the quality of copper ore. Кaragandy, Publishing-polytrophic center of Kazakhstan-Russian University, 2010.- 134 p. 134с/80с Maussymbayeva A.D.

Tursunbayeva A.K.

Imanov M.O.

27 Advanced technological solutions production and transport of methane (monograph) In the monograph discusses problems of production and transport of methane from coal seams unloaded, taking into account the geological, geomechanical, gas dynamic and mining conditions. Кaragandy, Publishing-polytrophic center of Kazakhstan-Russian University, 2010.- 204 p. 12,75 п.л.


Gazaliyev A.M.

Tatkeyeva G.G.

28 Nuclear-geophysical technology testing of copper and polymetallic ores in Kazakhstan (monograph) Highlight the scientific and practical bases of the nuclear-geophysical technology testing ores by X-ray radiometric method. Кaragandy, Publishing-polytrophic center of Kazakhstan-Russian University, 2010.- 350 p. 350с/175с Yefimenko S.A.
29 Theoretical and practical implications of emissions from coal and gas (monograph) The monograph presents modern concepts of gas-dynamic phenomena in mines. It is proposed the use of geophysical methods learned for forecasting outburst zones of coal seams. Кaragandy, Publishing-polytrophic center of Kazakhstan-Russian University, 2010.- 320 p. 320с./80с. Sharipov N.H.

Seilkhanov T.U.

Tatkeyeva G.G.

30 Hydrocarbons in Russia: the origin, funding base, production technology, processing and recycling, Part 2 “Gas Hydrates” (monograph) The monograph is devoted to the study of theoretical issues of origin of natural gas, its main properties and the existing technology of its receipt. Hydrocarbons in Russia: the origin, funding base, production technology, FGOU BPO «КSТU» publishing house, 2010 20с./80с. Vorobev A.E.,

Murov V.M.,

Aliyev S.B.,

Chekushina E.V.

31 Ore preparation of deposits precious metals for heap leaching (monograph) This monograph is devoted to solving the problem of geotechnology precious metals. Characterized by mineral resources of gold in Kazakhstan. The technology for ore preparation of deposits of gold heap leaching. Кaragandy, Publishing-polytrophic center of Kazakhstan-Russian University, 2010.- 314 p. 314с/105с Vorobev A.E.,

Tursunbayeva A.K.
