
Scientific work of chair

The basic results of the executed scientific works on chair and their introduction in educational process and preparation of scientific and pedagogical shots.

On chair four scientific themes Republics Kazakhstans financed by the Ministry of Education and Science « Maintenance of competitiveness of graduates of educational institutions TiPo » ( Egorov V . , the professor ),« Definition of look – ahead requirement for shots of technical and serving work »( Gotting V., the senior lecturer ),« Improvement of quality of a professional training of technical and serving work on the basis of social partnership »( Smirnova G . , the senior lecturer ),« Working out of scientific – theoretical bases of modernisation of system of improvement of professional skill of is professional – pedagogical shots »( Smirnova G . , the senior lecturer ).

Results of scientific projects are introduced in preparation of qualified workers of shots in system TiPo , teachers of vocational training , courses of improvement of qualification of pedagogical workers .

Publications of scientific results ( the monography and article in magazines with the impakt – factor )

During chair existence ( since 2009 on the present )3 monographies and 12 articles in magazines with the impakt – factor have been published .

Monographies :

1) Egorov V . , M ., Erahtina I . Udartseva S . interactive training methods in engineering education I . .- Almaty : Бiлiм ,2009.-165 with .

2) Egorov V . , Krivoruchko V . , Shpigar N . Visual Basic in examples and problems N . .- Novosibirsk : Open Society « Novosibirsk book publishing house »,2009.-202 with .

3) Egorov V . , Krivoruchko V . , Н Shpigar Н . , Zarechnaja of the Island of the Item Computer modelling and computing experiment .- Novosibirsk : Open Society « Novosibirsk book publishing house »,2009.-172 with .

Magazines :

1. Egorov V . , Gazaliev A . V .         Efficiency of rating system of an estimation of activity of teachers and high school divisions M ., Brejdo I .               0,235

2. Egorov V . , programs and programs of a professional training with delivery of double diplomas within the limits of pilot projects of University of the Shanghai organisation of cooperation магистірлік V .     Realisation prospects M ., Brejdo I . Gazaliev A .        0,235

3.  Gazaliev A.M., Egorov V. V, Brejdo I.V.         Training of students of technical specialities in a bachelor degree     Higher education in Russia. – 2010. – № 3. – with. 138-142, 0869-3617, 0,162

4. Egorov V. V, Skibitskij E.G., Ogoltsova E.G. Changes in motivational sphere of students of technical colleges The World of a science, culture and formation. – 2011. – № 3 (28). – with. 78-81          1991-5497  0,023

5. Gazaliev A.M., Egorov V. V, Ogoltsova E.G.    Psychological features of students and activization of its informative activity Alma mater (the higher school Bulletin). М, 2011. – № 8. – with. 19-23     1026-955Х  0,384

6. Gazaliev A.M., Egorov V. V, Brejdo I.V.          Development of technical university in the conditions of market economy     Higher education in Russia. – 2012. – № 1. – С.119-124         0869-3617  0,162

7. Egorov V. V, Sultanova B. K, Tleulina G. Zh, Muslaev K.S. The Role of computer grants in formation когнитивного style of students    University Works. – № 4 (45). – 2011. – with. 73 1609-1825  0,063

8. Dzhantasova D.D., Eszhanorv S.T., Egorov V. V        System of linguistic markers in a context of intercultural communications       Higher education today. – № 1. – 2012. – With. 80         1726-667Х  0,162

9. Gazaliev A.M., Egorov V. V, Brejdo I.V.          Prospects of preparation of engineers within the limits of Bolonsky process     Alma mater (the higher school Bulletin).№ 8. – 2012. – With. 6        1026-955Х  0,384

10. Gazaliev A.M., Egorov V. V, Brejdo I.V.        Features of introduction of system of test units in technical colleges of Kazakhstan    Higher education in Russia. – № 12. – 2012. – with. 131    0869-3617  0,162

11. Samashova G. E, Gotting V. V, Nurmaganbetova M. S, Bajzhumanova N.S. Оқыту технологүиясыны ң түрлері ббойынша электронды оқулығын оқу процесінде пайдалану       Kazakhstan, university Works, № 4 (49), 2012 – With. 14-17 1609-1825  0,063

12. Gotting V. V, Samashova G. E, Nurmaganbetova M. S, Abunagimova ИThe Analysis of professional mobility of personnel       Kazakhstan, university Works, № 4 (49), 2012 – With. 92-95          1609-1825  0,063

Inventive activity

Inventive activity on chair VO is carried out within the limits of working out of electronic textbooks on which certificates on the state registration of the rights to object of the copyright are received. Over the last 5 years PTS chairs are developed 12 computer programs and 1 innovative patent for the invention monolithic  crosspieces.

The international activity (mobility PTS and students, two-degree formation, the international projects and educational programs).

The international activity on chair ON is carried out within the limits of scientific, creative and academic cooperation with the Siberian academy of the finance and banking (Russia), Vjatsky state university (Russia), the Minsk higher radio engineering college (Belarus) and participation PTS of chair in realisation of the international projects:

The German Society on Technical Coperation (GTZ) within the limits of programs:

«Vocational training of girls and women and support of process of reforming of an education system in RК»

«A regional network of training of teachers (professional pedagogics/didactics) in the Tsentralnoaziatsky countries»

The European Union «Social partnership in system TiPo RK»:

Improvement of professional skill on working out of modular programs on a basis компетенций (2010);

Participation a master class «Treningov of strategy, approaches and methods» (2009);

The European Union TEMPUS – training at a seminar «Methodical approaches to target working out of projects within the limits of program ТEMPUS»

The German Society of assistance to international development and improvement of professional skill (InWent gGmH) – improvement of professional skill in a direction «Vocational training and requirements of a labour market» (2009)

Fund of support of vocational training (RKK, Norway) – participation in the Kazahstansko-Norwegian seminar on regional development (2009г.)

The international society of engineering pedagogics (IGIP) – improvement of professional skill in the accredited centre of preparation «International teachers of high schools» on the basis of the East Kazakhstan state technical university.

Scientific work with students (student’s bureaus and other kinds, the basic publications)

On chair the scientific circle on professional pedagogics “the Teacher-researcher” which result is annual participation of student’s works in Republican competition for the best scientific work of students on natural, technical, socially-humanitarian and economic sciences, in conferences of various levels functions.

 Other data on scientific work.

 Egorov V. V. in 2009 was a member of dissertational council of 14.50.09 on award of a scientific degree of the doctor of pedagogical sciences at the Euroasian humanitarian institute. About 2009-2012 under the direction, professors Egorov V. V. have defended the dissertation on competition of a scientific degree of the doctor and the candidate of pedagogical sciences Abaeva N.F., Dzhantasova Д, Erahtina I.I., Kurabaeva F.A., Golovachyov V. N, Lihacheva E.N., Ogoltsova E.G.

PTS chairs as chairmen of sections participated in the organisation and carrying out of Republican scientifically-practical conference «Problems and methods of formation of the Kazakhstan patriotism at modern youth» (KarGTU, December, 2011), the International scientifically-practical conference «Science and education the leading factor of strategy”Kazakhstan-2030″(Saginovsky readings № 4) (KarGTU, on June, 28-29th, 2012), II Republican scientifically-practical conference« Problems and methods of formation of the Kazakhstan patriotism at modern youth »(KarGTU, on December, 14th, 2012)
