
Chair of higher mathematics

  1. Completed scientific works

1) Name of the theme: Development of theoretical foundations and practical application methods of computer information technologies in mining and metallurgical industry.

Grounds for completion: initiative.

Supervisor of studies: Kazhikenova S.Sh.

Main results: There has been conducted the analysis of existing methods of potential functions of interparticle interaction in melts. The dependences of the maximum normal stresses and displacements of the roof rock of the mine working depending on the mining-technological factors are obtained. Calculations are made that allow to estimate objectively the influence of different factors on the formation of the massif’s plasticity around the drifting faces during the development of adjacent seams, to explain complications arising in practice in the work of the faces, as well as to provide the possibility of such complications.

  1. Publication of SRW results

2.1 Books (monographs)

  1. Z. Issagulov, S.SH. Kazhikenova, G.S. Shaikhova Mathematical modeling of metallic melts cluster nature, Karaganda, KSTY, 2020.-181 р.
  2. Н. Адилбек, Y.С. Шаихова, Y. Е. Шегебаева Решение смешанной задачи теории упругости применительно к механике горных пород, Караганда, КарГТУ, 2020.-152 с.
  3. Шаихова, Y. С. Металл балқытпалар типті стохастикалық жүйелердегі кластерлердің агрегациясы. Қарағанды: ҚарТУ баспасы, 2021. – 131 б.
  4. Кажикенова, С.Ш. Качественная и количественная оценка технологических процессов в металлургии, Караганда, КарТУ, 2021. – 212 с.
  5. Sh. Kazhikenova, S. N. Shaltaqov Physical and Mathematical Problems of Melt’s Hydrodynamics, Karaganda: KTU, 2021. – 149 p.
  6. К. М. Ахметов, Y. С. Шаихова, В. В. Журов Исследование склонности к самонагреванию и самовозгоранию угля Шубаркольского месторождения, Караганда: КТУ, 2021. – 131 с.
  7. Sh. Kazhikenova Qualitative and Quantitative Assessment of Technological Processes in Metallurgy. Karaganda: Abylkas Saginov KTU Publishing House, 2022. – 199 p.

2.2 Articles

No Authors full names Name of the article Country, magazine name, number, year The journal’s scientometric indicators
1 Tutanov S.K.

Tutanova M.S.

Determination of rational location of working of the pulled together layers Kazakhstan, Kompleksnoe ispolzovanie mineralnogo syria, No.1(312), 2020 y. CQASES,

RSCI, 0,213

2 Kazhikenova S.Sh. Мониторинг качественных и количественных показателей технологических схем производства меди на предприятиях Казахстана Kazakhstan, Kompleksnoe ispolzovanie mineralnogo syria, No.1(312), 2020 y. CQASES,

RSCI, 0,213

3 Shaikhova U.S.,

Әdіlbek N.,

Akhmetov K.M.,

Zhurov V.V.,

Шегебаева Y.Е.

Pеттелмеген жүйелердегі корреляция Kazakhstan, Kompleksnoe ispolzovanie mineralnogo syria, No.2(313), 2020 y. CQASES,

RSCI, 0,213

4 Usupaev Sh. (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan)

Kenetaeva A.A.

Tenchurina A.R.

Shaikhova U.S.

Zhenbaev A.M.

История развития Карагандинского бассейна Ukraina, Aktualnye nauchnye issledovaniia v sovremennom mire, 5(61), p. 4, 2020 y. RSCI, 0,022
5 Tutanov S.K., Tutanov M.S., Tutanova M.S. (MDiG) Кентіректер мен кенүңгірлердің орнықтылығына әсер ететін факторларды анықтаудың математикалық моделі Kazakhstan, Kompleksnoe ispolzovanie mineralnogo syria, No.3(314), 2020 y. CQASES,


6 Suleimenov N.M. (IuKGU im. M.Auezova), Shapalov Sh.K. (SWIU Shymkent), Khodzhaev R.R.(Geomark), Shaikhova U.S., Kaliaskarova A.Zh. (RAiOT), Kakenova M.Zh. (RAiOT) Computerized Analytical System for Assessing Fire and Environmental Safety of Mines in the Karaganda Coal Basin International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, Volume 13, Number 6, 2020 Sc
7 Kazhikenova S.Sh., Shaltakov S.N. (Physics), Belomestnyi D. (University of Duisburg-Jessen, Germany), Shaikhova U.S. Finite difference method implementation for numerical integration hydrodynamic equations melts Казахстан, Eurasian Physical Technical Journal, Vol. 17, No. 1(33), 2020 Sс, 18%
8 Kazhikenova S.Sh.,

Shaltakov S.N.

Сравнительная оценка качества автогенных производственных схем на металлургических предприятиях Казахстана Kazakhstan, Novosti Nauki Kazakhstana, No. 3 (145), 2020 CQASES, KazCB-0,073
9 Abayeva N.F., Yerakhtina I.I. (TOMiS), Mustafina L.M., Yarullina A.R. Some ways to improve a quality of mathematical knowledge of technical universities students Kazakhstan, Doklady Kazakhskoi akademii obrazovaniia, No.3, 2020 y. CQASES
10 Shaikhova U.S. Кластерлік құрылымдарды еріту механизмін түсіндіру және балқытылған күйдің физика-химиялық табиғатына әсер етуі Kazakhstan, Kompleksnoe ispolzovanie mineralnogo syria, No.1, 2021 y. СА, 0

CQASES, KazCB=0,259

11 Abayeva N.F.,

Mustafina L.M., Zhurov V.V., Yarullina A.R.

Some features of the mathematical knowledge formation of technical university students Kazakhstan, Vestnik Toraigyrov universiteta. Seriia Pedagogicheskaia, No.1, 2021 y. CQASES, KazCB=0,024
12 Akhmetov K.M., Shaikhova U.S., Zhurov V.V., Khmyrova E.N. (MDiG),

Yarullina A.R.

Mathematical model of coal self-heating in a stack Kazakhstan, Kompleksnoe ispolzovanie mineralnogo syria, No.3, 2021 y. СА, 0

CQASES, KazCB=0,259

13 Kazhikenova S.Sh. The unique solvability of stationary and non-stationary incompressible melt models in the case of their linearization Poland, Archives of Control Sciences Volume 31(LXVII), No.2, 2021 CA, Q2

Sc, 68%

14 Kazhikenova S.Sh., Shaltakov S.N. (Physics), Nusupbekov B.R. (KarU) Difference melt’s model Poland, Archives of Control Sciences Volume 31(LXVII), No.3, 2021 CA, Q2

Sc, 68%

15 Abayeva N.F., Mustafina L.M., Mustafina B.M. (KazNU im. Al-Farabi), Abayev R. (University College London, UK) The role of vocational guidance in improving the quality of knowledge in mathematics Kazakhstan, Vestnik PGU, No.2, 2021 y. CQASES, KazCB=0,024
16 Pskhu A.V. (NII pikladnoi matematiki i avtomatizatsii Kabardino-Balkarskogo NTs RAN), Kosmakova M.T. (KarU), Akhmanova D.M. (KarU), Kasymova L.Zh., Asetov A.A. (KarU) Boundary value problem for the heat equation with a load as the Riemann-Liouville fractional derivative Казахстан, Bulletin of the Karaganda university Mathematics series. No. 1(105), 2022


СА, 0



17 Tutanov S.K.

Tutanova M.S. (МD)

Accounting for creep of the rock mass around the sides of the quarry Kazakhstan, Kompleksnoe ispolzovanie mineralnogo syria, No.3(322), 2022 y. СА, 0

CQASES, KazCB=0,204

  1. Participation in conferences
No. Authors full names Name of the report Country, status and name of the conference,

venue, date

1 Kazhikenova S.Sh., Stoev M. (Blagoevgrad, Yuzu Neofit Rilski), Sembaeva Y.N. (Physics) Энтропийно-информационные закономерности самоорганизующихся систем Kazakhstan, International Scientific-Practical Online Conference “Integration of science, education and production – the basis for the implementation of the Plan of the Nation” (Sagin Readings No.13), dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Karaganda State Technical University, y.Karaganda, 17-18 June 2021y.
2 Mustafina L.M. Mustafina B.M. (Almaty, Әl-Farabi atindaga y KazҰU) Тау-кен жұмыстарын механизациялаудың кейбір мәселелері Kazakhstan, International Scientific-Practical Online Conference «Integration of science, education and production – the basis for the implementation of the Plan of the Nation» (Sagin Readings No.13), dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of tиюня 2021y.
3 Shaikhova U.S., Arystanbekov B.J. Сұйық металдардағы кластерлік құрылымдар геометриясы Kazakhstan, International Scientific-Practical Online Conference «Integration of science, education and production – the basis for the implementation of the Plan of the Nation» (Sagin Readings No.13), dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of tиюня 2021y.
4 Abayeva N.F., Abayev R. (UR, University College London ) Some ways of developing cognitive interest in studying mathematics by students of economics Kazakhstan, International Scientific-Practical Online Conference «Integration of science, education and production – the basis for the implementation of the Plan of the Nation» (Sagin Readings No.13), dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of tиюня 2021y.
5 Akhmetov K.M. Влияние влажности угля на удельную интенсивность тепловыделения Kazakhstan, International Scientific-Practical Online Conference «Integration of science, education and production – the basis for the implementation of the Plan of the Nation» (Sagin Readings No.13), dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of tиюня 2021y.
6 Tutanov S. K., Tutanova M. S.( MDiG) Тау жыныстарының жылжулық есебін ақырлы элементтер әдісімен шешу Kazakhstan, International Scientific-Practical Online Conference «Integration of science, education and production – the basis for the implementation of the Plan of the Nation» (Sagin Readings No.13), dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of tиюня 2021y.
7 Zhurov V.V., Abdrahman E.A. (RMPI), Barsukov S.V. (RMPI) Влияние двухуровневого анкерного крепления на геомеханическое состояние массива вокруг горной выработки Kazakhstan, International Scientific-Practical Online Conference «Integration of science, education and production – the basis for the implementation of the Plan of the Nation» (Sagin Readings No.13), dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of tиюня 2021y.
8 Shegebayeva Y.E. Ең жақсы жуықтау элементі жайлы жалпы теоремалар Kazakhstan, International Scientific-Practical Online Conference «Integration of science, education and production – the basis for the implementation of the Plan of the Nation» (Sagin Readings No.13), dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of tиюня 2021y.
9 Yarullina A.R., Kim A.A., Beisova K.S. Graph theory and programming Kazakhstan, International Scientific-Practical Online Conference «Integration of science, education and production – the basis for the implementation of the Plan of the Nation» (Sagin Readings No.13), dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of tиюня 2021y.
10 Mergembayeva A.Zh. Пуассон интегралы Kazakhstan, International Scientific-Practical Online Conference «Integration of science, education and production – the basis for the implementation of the Plan of the Nation» (Sagin Readings No.13), dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of tиюня 2021y.
11 Tuleutayeva Zh.M. Өзекше үшін жылуөткізгіштік теңдеуін анықтау Kazakhstan, International Scientific-Practical Online Conference «Integration of science, education and production – the basis for the implementation of the Plan of the Nation» (Sagin Readings No.13), dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of tиюня 2021y.
12 Tuleutayeva Zh.M., Kaltayeva A.A. Шар үшін Дирихле есебі Kazakhstan, International Scientific-Practical Online Conference «Integration of science, education and production – the basis for the implementation of the Plan of the Nation» (Sagin Readings No.13), dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of tиюня 2021y.
13 Mustafina L.M., Abayeva N.F., Zhurov V.V., Yarullina A.R. Hp(N0, b) space embedding into lq(N0) space in the case p ≤ q Болгария, Ninth International Conference “Modern Trends in Science” FMNS-2021, South-West University „Neofit Rilski” Blagoevgrad, 15 – 19.09.2021
  1. Inventive activity

Obtaining patents

No Authors full names Name of the invention Patentee Patent number
1 Pak Y., Pak D.Y., Ibatov M.K., Nuguzhinov J.S., Shaikhova U.S., Ibragimova D.A., Aubakirov A.A., Otubayev E.T., Meirashov M.T., Abisheva S.M.. Способ инструментального ядерно-физического исследования геологического керна Pak Y., Pak D.Y., Ibatov M.K., Nuguzhinov J.S., Shaikhova U.S., Ibragimova D.A., Aubakirov A.A., Otubayev E.T., Meirashov M.T., Abisheva S.M. No. 35449

From 31.12.2021

Obtaining certificates of state registration of rights to objects of copyright

No Authors full names Title of the copyright object Copyright owner(s) Certificate number, date
1 Abayeva N.F. Раздел. Функции нескольких переменных. Лекция 4 Abayeva N.F. No. 23745 from 18.02.2022
2 Shaikhova U.S. Анықталмаған интегралдар Shaikhova U.S. No. 24304 from 11.03.2022
3 Zhurov V.V. Числовые ряды. Часть 1 Zhurov V.V. No. 24252 from 10.03.2022
4 Kasymova L.Zh. Анықталмаған интеграл оны есептеу әдістері Kasymova L.Zh. No. 24958 from 11.04.2022
5 Tuleutayeva Zh.M. Екі айнымалы функция Tuleutayeva Zh.M. No. 24804 from 06.04.2022
6 Mergembayeva A. Zh. Түзу мен жазықтықтың әртүрлі теңдеулері. Mergembayeva A. Zh. No. 24869 from 07.04.2022
7 Kazhikenova S.Sh. Элементы линейной алгебры и аналитической геометрии Kazhikenova S.Sh. No. 25143 from 15.04.2022
8 Mustafina L.M. Вычисление двойных интегралов. Применение к решению практических задач Mustafina L.M. No. 26009 from 12.05.2022
  1. Research work with students

16 works (29 students) were submitted to the IV International competition (March 29) under the leadership of Shaihova Y.S., Kazhikenova S.S., Mustafina L.M., Zhurov V.V., Abaeva N.F., Kasymova L.J., Mergembaeva A.J.

1) Batyrbekov Adilkhan Nurlanovich, Motosov Denis Sergeevich, A.S. Saginov KarTU, First Grade Diploma in the nomination “Topical Issues of Science”, supervisor: Kazhikenova S.Sh.

2) Aym Aydinkyzy Shimova, A.S. Saginov KarTU, the second degree diploma in the nomination “Actual issues of science”, supervisor: L.Zh.

3) Garifullinova Dilnaz, Manatova Ulpan, A.S. Saginova KarTU, the third degree diploma in the nomination “Actual issues of science”, supervisor: Kasymova L.Zh.

4) Pashkevich Nikita Andreyevich, Semenov Nikita Evgenievich, Bobkov Daniil Dmitrievich, Saginaw KarTU, Diploma of the second degree in the nomination “Applied research work”, supervisor: Zhurov V.V.

5) Kenderov Ilyas Maratovich, Zhubanov Almas Urazalievich, A.S. Saginov KarTU, diploma of the second degree in the nomination “Research work of applied nature”, supervisor: Kazhikenova S.Sh.

6) Angelina Igorevna Podguzova (Saginova KarTU), Anna Ruslanovna Nasevich, Daria Aleksandrovna Golubkova (Bauman Moscow State Technical University), Daria Alexandrovna Furdzina (NSUE), Elizaveta Vladimirovna Kachanova (KF RANEPA), first degree diploma in the category “Mathematics in programming”, supervisor: Mustafina L.M.

7) Zubchik Danil Nikitovich, A.S. Saginov KarTU, second degree diploma in the nomination “Mathematics in Programming”, supervisor: Abayeva N.F.

8) Dosmaganbetov Anuar Daniyarovich, Sikora Alexey Andreevich, A.S. Saginov KarTU, diploma of the second degree in the nomination “Scientific student debut”, supervisor: Kazhikenova S.Sh.

9) Sagatova Qalamkas Qairzhankyzy, Toleukhan Zhanel Kamelkyzy, Saginova KarTU, diploma of the second degree in the nomination “Scientific student debut”, supervisor: Mergembaeva A.Zh.

10) Alisher Daniyarovich Zeinullin, Azamat Bekzatovich Rakhimzhanov, KarTU, diploma of the third degree in the nomination “Scientific student debut”, supervisor: Abayeva N.F.

11) Yernat Amanzhol, A.S. Saginov KarTU, diploma of the first degree in the nomination “Applied aspects of mathematics”, supervisor: Shaikhova U.S.

12) Vladimir S. Teplov, Alibek Anvarzhanovich Musin, A.S. Saginov KarTU, diploma of the second degree in the nomination “Applied aspects of mathematics”, supervisor: Tuleutaeva Zh.

13) Roman Pavlovich Kartashov, Igor Vitalyevich Kudabaev, Timur Andreevich Dotsenko (A.S. Saginov KarTU), Dmitry Aleksandrovich Khoroshilov (TUSUR), Dmitry Nikolaevich Shcherbakov (NSTU), third degree diploma in the nomination “Applied aspects of mathematics”, supervisor: L.M. Mustafina

14) Veniamin Olegovich Davydov, Alexander Sergeevich Kunz (A.S. Saginov KarTU), Evgeny Sergeevich Kvashnin (MISISiS), Ilya Yuryevich Terre (NR TSU), second degree diploma in the category “Professional-oriented mathematics”, supervisor: L. Mustafina.

15) Mikhail Alexandrovich Mukhametov, A.S. Saginov KarTU, diploma of the third degree in the nomination “Vocationally-oriented mathematics”, supervisor: N.F. Abayeva.

16) Roman Alexeyevich Timoshenko, Maxim Pavlovich Odinokov, A.S. Saginov KarTU, diploma of the first degree in the nomination “Mathematics in the Modern World”, supervisor: N.F. Abayeva.

4 research papers of students on natural, technical, social-humanitarian and economic sciences (6 students) were submitted to the interuniversity stage of Republican competition of research works.

Students were awarded diplomas of 3 degrees of the V International competition of scientific works and creative projects of students and graduate students on the use of ICT: A. Nurbekyzy, N. M. Markhamatova (supervisor: Shaikhova U.S.).

Under the guidance of professor Kazhikenova S.S., professor Mergebaeva A.Zh., acting associate professor Zhurov V.V. students: Dauletova A.M., Batyrbekov A.N., Motosov D.S. (AiU-21-3), Zhalelova D.K.(ITM-21-1), B.K. Ulmukhambet, M. Kometov, M. Kaiyr A.K. (IS-21-1), Khamidullin R.R, Kulikov D.K., Tyo V.A., Magaz A.M., Toleubek T.M. (SIB-21-6) submitted 4 applications for participation in the competition of business projects of young people in Kartu.

Students under the guidance of faculty participated in the National Student Scientific Conference “Contribution of youth science in the implementation of the Strategy “Kazakhstan – 2050”, 14-15 April 2022, KSTU named after A.S. Saginova, where presented 9 reports (12 students).

In July 2022, for the first time in the nearly seventy-year history of the Department of Higher Mathematics in the competition announced by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan won a grant for “Development of innovative model “Statistical analysis and information processing for research papers” for distance education. The scientific supervisor is candidate of pedagogical sciences, acting N.F.Abaeva. This scientific project will be implemented from 2022 to 2024. In 2022 only four research projects of Karaganda Technical University named after Abylkas Saginov were awarded this grant.

Since September, the research team consisting of: scientific supervisor – N.F. Abayeva (Ph.D., Acting Assistant Professor), responsible executor – V.V. Zhurov (Candidate of Technical Sciences, Acting Assistant Professor), executor – Mustafina L.M. (Candidate of Phys&Math Sciences, Assistant Professor), executor – A.J. Mergembaeva (M.E., Inst.), executor – B.K. Koichubekov (Dr. biological sciences, prof, NAO “Medical University of Karaganda”, professor of “Informatics and biostatistics” chair), executor – A.R. Yarullina (m.e., doctoral student of DMat-72 NAO Karaganda State University named after E.A. Buketov) started to work on the project.

The idea of this project is to create a massive online open course “Statistical Analysis and Information Processing for Research” for distance learning. This will be a tremendous help to young researchers who are faced with the global challenge of having to conduct statistical analysis and processing of research findings.

The project aims to develop an innovative model for ‘Statistical Analysis and Processing of Information for Research and Development’ for distance education.

The expected result – to improve the quality of research papers in terms of statistical processing of information.

At the moment the project was given a registration number in the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The research team is already preparing for the first report to the State Institution “Committee of Science of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Results of the International contest of students scientific works (projects) on «Mathematics and its applications in science and engineering»
