
Chair of the Kazakh language and culture


Research work at the Department of Kazakh Language and Culture is carried out in the following areas:

1) scientific projects;

2) participation in scientific conferences;

3) publications in scientific journals;

4) Research and development (contests, conferences, Olympiads) ;

5) the work of teachers in scientific institutions, organizations (in journals, etc.);

6) give feedback.


Work on scientific programs and projects

The teachers of the department work in the direction of level language teaching. The main directions of research work are the problems of the Kazakh language and Kazakh literature.

In recent years, the staff of the department has been participating in grant funding competitions.

Development of WEB textbooks for levels B1, B2 on the Latin chart “Qazaq tili” for grant financing for 2021-2023 on innovative technologies. (For higher education)”. The scientific director of the project is N. T.Nigmetova.

The relevance of the project. Considering that the beginning of teaching the Kazakh language in Latin script is a step for the nation, the beginning of preparatory work for textbooks and textbooks in the Latin alphabet characterizes the relevance of the topic.

The purpose of the project. The state program for the implementation of the country’s language policy for 2020-2025 ensures the activity of the Kazakh language as the state language, one of the main goals is the modernization of the Kazakh language based on the Latin alphabet. In this regard, the aim of the project is to support the work on the transition to the Latin alphabet, to demonstrate the effectiveness of the use of innovative technologies in teaching the Kazakh language.


The main results of the scientific research.

  1. for levels B1, B2 in the discipline “Kazakh language” https://q-uirenu .kz the site has been created.
  2. The Qazaq tili web textbook has been developed and put into operation.
  3. A test module with the results for the Web learning platform has been developed.
  4. A Web platform for teaching the Kazakh language has been developed.


Scientific works of the faculty of the department

The teaching staff of the department conducts scientific and methodological research. The results of the research are published in domestic and foreign scientific publications, collections of materials from international conferences.

Scientific and methodological research of teachers is being introduced into the educational process.


Educational, methodological and scientific seminars

The teaching staff of the department annually participates in various seminars and trainings in order to improve the quality of language teaching.

The main goal is to get acquainted with modern educational technologies of language teaching.


International cooperation

The department has established international relations with the University of Kastamonu, Turkey. Orhan SÖYLEMEZ, PhD, of this university, took a refresher course on the topic “Innovative methods and techniques of teaching language and literature” (72 hours).

The head of the department, K.S. Kalybekova, and the lecturer of the department, A. D. Bekkulova, completed a scientific internship at the University of Kastamonu.


Research work of students

Under the guidance of the teachers of the department, students participate in the republican competition for research work of students, conducted between natural, technical, socio-humanitarian and economic sciences of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In addition, students participate in international, republican scientific and practical conferences under the guidance of teachers of the department.

Manager by the department of Kazakh икультуры candidate of philological sciences, associate professor Каlybekova Каlamkas Sagyndykovnagot an underback and rank of the “best teacher of institution of higher learning 2014.



October 9th, 2015 at 10:00 in Karaganda State Technical University in the auditorium of the main building was held Republican scientific-practical conference «Ұлттық рухтың символы – Жұмабек Тәшенев» , dedicated to the 100th anniversary of great statesman, a bright personality and a patriot of the Kazakh people. The event is held under the 550 Anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate.



