Republican annual competition of students’ research works

Republican annual competition of students’ research works on natural, technical, socio-humanitarian  and economic sciences are conducted annually by the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan  in universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan is on the basis of higher educational institutions.

The main aims and objectives of the SSRP are: promote research and educational-cognitive activity of students; selection and support of most talented and gifted students; promoting of the intellectual potential of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The students and student groups of higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan  took participation in the competition of SSRP and independently made complete research work of students in priority areas and actual problems of natural, technical, socio-economic sciences and humanities were presented.

The list of the awarded students of the Republican contest SSRP

 (2015-2016 academic year)


Department Full name of research advisor  Full name of student Group
Diploma of III degree
RandFL Еrniyazova B.B. Еrdenkyzy Ainur BT-15-2


Department Full name of research advisor  Full name of student Group
Diploma of III degree
RandFL Кеnzhegulova А.S. Kurmashev Daniyar Rustemovich GPR-15-2к

2 works prepeared by 2 students were awarded.


III – degree  – 2 (2 students)


