Ramazanova Raigul Amangeldinovna Defense the doctoral thesis

The defense of the doctoral dissertation for the degree of Philosophy Doctor (PhD) of Ramazanova Raigul Amangeldinovna by the theme: «Physical and chemical research and development of hydrometallurgical technology of refractory oxidized zinc ores processing of «Shaimerden» deposit» by specialty 6D070900 – Metallurgy will take place in Karaganda State Technical University.

The dissertational work has been done at the sub-department of chemistry, metallurgy and enrichment at D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan State Technical University in the laboratory of the Institute of Hydrometallurgy «Materials and Metallurgy»of the Ural Federal University the first Russian President Boris Yeltsin (Ekaterinburg, Russia). The defense will be held in Russian.

Scientific advisers:

1. N. Seraya – Сandidateсhemistry sciences, docentat D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan State Technical University;

2. S. Mamyachenkov– Doctor of technical sciences, professor Ural Federal University the first Russian President Boris Yeltsin (Ekaterinburg, Russia);

3. T.Ryspaev – Habil-doctor, Рrivat-docent of Clausthal Technical University (Germany).


  1. Zhumashev K. Zh. – doctor of technical sciences, professor, head of the «Physics, chemistry, conjuctive use of conditioned wasteges» laboratory at HMI named after Zh. Abishev. (05.16.02);
  2. Ahmetova S. S. – candidate of Technical Sciences, professor of Academy «Bolashak» (05.16.02).

Defense will be held in May 26, 2017 at 15.00 at the Dissertation Council for the Defense of PhD doctoral theses of KSTU on specialty 6D070900 «Metallurgy»at the following address: 100027, Karaganda, 56, Mira Boulevard, 2 building, room 206.

Website:http://www.kstu.kz, e-mail: raigul_77_33@mail.ru

Список научных трудов Рамазанова

Рамазанова Р.А. Аннотация русс.

Рамазанова Р.А. Аннотация анг.

Рамазанова Р.А. Аннотация каз. яз


Отзыв зарубежного научного консультанта Мамяченков С.В.

Отзыв зарубежного научного консультанта Рыспаев Т.А.

Отзыв отечественного научного консультанта Серая Н.В.

Отзыв рецензента Жумашева К. Ж.

Отзыв рецензента Ахметовой С. С.


