Specialties of the department of «Architecture and design»

Department of «Architecture and design»

“Architecture and Design” chair trains bachelors in the following areas:

6В07301 – “Architecture”

Specialization: “Architecture of residential and public buildings” (ARPB)

The architects of this specialization work in the field of civil architecture, the area of ​​work aimed at the formation of the architectural image of the cultural centers, residential areas, shopping and entertainment complexes, small localities.

Specialization “Landscape Architecture” (LA)

Landscape architecture is architecture of open spaces; urban development sector, the purpose of which is the most favorable functional and spatial organization of the environment of human activity.

6В02101 – “Design”

Specialization: “Architectural Design”

Design of architectural environment is kind of project activity included in the overall cultural system, in “private” designs system aimed at the creation of separate forms and complexes real subject-spatial objects.

Specialization: “Industrial Design”

Industrial design (industrial design, subject design, industrial design) is the design industry, the area of ​​artistic and technical activities, the purpose of which is to determine the formal qualities of industrially manufactured products, namely, their structural and functional features and appearance.

The form and terms of training


Preparation of bachelors on specialties 6В07301 “Architecture”, 6В02101 “Design” full-time tuition – 5 years

Training is conducted on the budgetary and contractual basis

Admission is made by results of Unified National Testing (Kazakh / Russian, History of Kazakhstan) and creative exams (drawing, composition).

Preparation of bachelors in the specialty 6В07301 “Architecture”

Correspondence form of training is carried out:

– 4.5 years (reduced, on the basis of secondary education);

– 3.5 years (on the basis of higher education).

Admission is made based on interviews on specialty.

Admission is carried out only on a contractual basis.

Training is carried out on Saturdays, classes start the second week of September.


Preparation of bachelors in the specialty 6В02101 “Design”

Correspondence-presences form of training is carried out:

– 3.5 years (reduced, on the basis of secondary education);

Admission is made based on interviews on specialty.

Admission is carried out only on a contractual basis.

Training is carried out on Saturdays, classes start the second week of September.

The presence of artistic training of incomings: obligatory

In the competitive selection preference is given to applicants who have successfully passed creative examinations, as well as the winners and the winners of Olympiads city in drawing and composition.

Areas of professional activity and employment opportunities

Types of professional activity of the architect:

– Design of residential and public buildings and complexes;

– Reconstruction of buildings and structures;

– Implementation of urban development and territory improvement projects:

– Landscape architecture, landscape design;

– The development of the interiors of residential and public buildings.

Types of professional activity of the designer:

– Design of small architectural objects;

– Landscape design;

– Interior design of residential and public buildings;

– Outdoor advertising design;

– The development of elements improvement of public services and small architectural forms;

Work places:

– Research institutes and institutions;

– Design institutes;

– Designing workshops;

– Advertising company;

– Architectural and construction departments in large organizations and industrial enterprises.


Learning features

6В07301 – “Architecture”

Students learning on specialty 6В07301 “Architecture” get a modern comprehensive education in the field of architectural design based on a thorough study of artistic and aesthetic disciplines, disciplines of engineering profile and obtain the basic knowledge in the field of architectural design of residential and public buildings and complexes.

Subjects studied

– General disciplines (History of Kazakhstan, philosophy, foreign language, Kazakh/Russian language, computer science, ecology and sustainable development, political science, sociology, fundamentals of economic theory, the foundations of law, life safety);

– Basic and profile disciplines (Engineering Graphics I-III, Mechanical Engineering, geodesy, Architecture I, II, Architectural composition, Architectural graphics and layout, Art History, Fundamentals of Urban Development, World History of Architecture I, II, History of Kazakhstan Architecture, Engineering improvement of public services and transportation, Engineering systems, Drawing, Painting, Architectural physics, Building constructions, Building materials, technologies of construction manufacture, Architectural design I-XII, Architectural typology of buildings and constructions, Interior, Landscape architecture, Art design of environmental objects, Architectural design projects, Layout, predesign analysis.

Possible places of practice

Internship and undergraduate practice are carried out in the design organizations of Karaganda city, is profiled on the Architectural Design projects.

6В02101 – “Design”

Students learning on specialty 6В02101 “Design” get a modern comprehensive education in the field of architectural design based on a thorough study of artistic and aesthetic disciplines, and obtain the basic knowledge in the field of design of architectural design and industrial design.

Subjects studied

– General disciplines (History of Kazakhstan, philosophy, foreign language, Kazakh/Russian language, computer science, ecology and sustainable development, political science, sociology, fundamentals of economic theory, the foundations of law, life safety);

– Basic and profile disciplines (History and Design Theory, Art History, Drawing I-III, Painting I-III, Engineering Graphics I-III, Composition, Chromatics, Construction of objects of design, Production design objects, Professional computer programs, Typology of the architectural environment, Landscaping, Interior, Building materials, Elements and processes of I-IV profile design, Design of the profile IV of design, Architectural design projects.

Possible places of practice

Internship and undergraduate practice are carried out in the design organizations of Karaganda city, is profiled on the Architectural Design projects.

 Tehnical equipment

The students use all the features of a modern infrastructure of KTU, including well-equipped classrooms, Workshop Studio drawing and painting, prototyping workshops, computer classes, specialized laboratories, lecture halls with modern video and projection equipment, a library with a rich book fund and electronic room with by high-speed Internet access.

Information and methodological support

The students can use as educational information sources:

– Fundamental KTU library, which is accessed through a subscription and a reading room;

– Digital Library of KTU, which is accessed through the site KTU;

– Methodology of the department’s office “Design, Architecture and Applied Mechanics”;

– Information resources of the Internet, access to which is carried out through computer classes, electronic room KTU library and personal students PCs.
