
Vice-Rector for АА

________ EGOROV VV

« _____» _________ 2015







Department of NTM

Made:                                                                                 doc., k.t.s. Kulikov V.Y.

doc., k.t.s. Manzhurin I.P.

doc., k.t.s. Kwon Sv.S.



The list of disciplines for graduate entrance examination in the specialty 6M070900 “Metallurgy”

The name of discipline

The number of questions


Crystallography and metallography



Metallurgical heat engineering



Automation of metallurgical processes


The exam is conducted in writing. Each ticket contains three questions (one question on each of these subjects) and one task for any of the discipline. Solution of the problem, if necessary, must be in one of the programs for computer-aided design (“COMPASS», «AutoCAD»). Exemplary types of problems are provided in the program. In preparing for the exam is recommended to use literature as set out in the list, as well as modern periodic scientific and technical literature.


The program is an entrance exam for the discipline “Mineralogy, Crystallography and metallography”:


Topic 1. Fundamentals of mineralogy.

Theme 2. Basic concepts and laws of structural crystallography.

Theme 3. Fundamentals of crystal.

Theme 4. Atomic crystal structure of metals.

Theme 5. The structure of alloys.

Theme 6. The theory of primary crystallization.

Theme 7. Plastic deformation of metals and alloys.

Theme 8. Chart-iron cement.

Theme 9. Basic thermal processing. The critical points of steel.

Topic 10. Characterization of steels and cast irons. Marking of steel and cast iron.

Questions on discipline:

  1. The definition of “mineral”. Types formulas minerals.
  2. Isomorphism and polymorphism minerals.
  3. Physical properties of minerals. Mohs scale.
  4. The origin of minerals.
  5. Broadcast, lattice, the elementary cell.
  6. Law Stenon. Condition Wolfe – Bragg. Law of constant angles.
  7. Types of crystallographic projections.
  8. Crystallographic indexing method. Indexing areas and units. Indexing of planes.
  9. Elements of symmetry crystalline polyhedra.
  10. Crystallographic category, symmetry, symmetry classes. Formula symmetry.
  11. Bravais lattice. The concept of  basis.
  12.  Types of metal lattices. Kind of chemical bond characteristic of metals.
  13. The process of primary crystallization. Cast Chernov.
  14. Elastic and plastic deformation of metals. Recrystallization process.
  15. Solid solutions and substitution. The intermediate phase.
  16. Dual phase diagram. Concepts: the phase component, the structural component. Rule segments. The phase rule. Example of construction of the cooling curve of alloy using the phase rule.
  17. Principles of construction of ternary diagrams.
  18. Components phase constituents in the diagram iron cement.
  19. General characteristics of steels. Impurities in the steel.
  20. Marking steels. Give examples.
  21. General characteristics of gray cast iron. Properties, structure, marking.
  22. The critical points of steel.
  23. The main types of heat treatment of steels.
  24. General characteristics of malleable cast iron. Properties, structure, marking.
  25. General characteristics of ductile iron. Properties, structure, marking.




 1. Шаскольская М.П. Кристаллография, Высшая школа, 1984.

2.  Буллах А.Г. Минералогия с основами кристаллографии..:Недра, 1989

3. Лифшиц          Б.Г. Металлография,М.: Металлургия, 1990.

4. Захаров А.М. Диаграммы состояния двойных и тройных систем        М.,

Металлургия,1990.                                                                         2

5. Гуляев А.П. Металловедение, М., Металлургия, 1990

6. Келли Р. Кристаллография. М, Высшая школа, 1980.


 The program is an entrance exam for the discipline “Metallurgical Heat Engineering”:


Topic 1. General characteristics of the fuel.

Theme 2. The calculation of fuel combustion.

Theme 3. The parameters and equations of state for ideal gases.

Theme 4. The theory of ideal gas heat capacity.

Theme 5. The first and second laws of thermodynamics. The concept of enthalpy and entropy.

Theme 6. The theory of heat conduction.

Theme 7. The theory of convective heat transfer.

Theme 8. The theory of thermal radiation.

Theme 9. Refractory and building materials used in the construction of metallurgical furnaces.

Topic 10. Classification of furnaces. Modes of operation of the furnaces.

Questions on discipline:


  1. Combustible, work and dry mass of fuel.
  2. Describe the thermal characteristics of the fuel.
  3. Fuel specifications.
  4. Characteristics of the main components of the fuel.
  5. The concepts of thermodynamics: the system, the process parameters. The equation of state of the system.
  6. Heat and work. The first law of thermodynamics. Enthalpy and entropy. The basic formulation of the second law of thermodynamics.
  7. The concept of a thermodynamic cycle. Efficiency.
  8. The theory of ideal gas heat capacity.
  9. Concepts: the temperature field, the temperature gradient, the thermal conductivity.
  10. Fourier’s law. The concept of the boundary conditions.
  11. The thermal conductivity of the walls of various configurations at GU I sort of.
  12. Newton’s law-Richman. The heat transfer coefficient.
  13. Fundamentals of the theory of similarity. Theorem of similarity.
  14. The thermal conductivity of the walls of various configurations at GU III race.
  15. Similarity numbers of convective heat transfer. Similarity equation of convective heat transfer.
  16. The process parameters of the thermal radiation.
  17. The basic laws of thermal radiation.
  18. The equations of radiative heat transfer at different mutual arrangement of bodies.
  19. Thermal conductivity at non-stationary mode and GU III race.
  20. Biot number. Thermally thin and thermally massive body. Nomogram Budrina. The theory of regular regime of thermal conductivity.
  21. Characterization of acidic refractory materials.
  22. Characteristics of the fixed fire-resistant materials.
  23. Classification and characterization of furnaces on the principle of heat generation.
  24. Modes of metallurgical furnaces. Classification and brief description.
  25. Indicators of heat furnaces.




1. Кривандин В.А., Арутюнов В.А., Мастрюков Б.А. Металлургическая  теплотехника.                        М.2004

2. Гусовский А.Г. Нагревательные устройства. М., Металлургия  2004.

2. Нащокин В.В. Техническая термодинамика и теплопередача. М.1996

3. Лариков Н.И. Теплотехника. М.2001

4. Баскаков А.Л.        Теплотехника. М.1998

5. Болгарский А.В. Голубев В.И.         Сборник задач по термодинамике и теплопередачи.    М.1999

6. Краснощеков Е.А., Сукомел А.А. Задачник по теплопередаче. М.1990


 The program is an entrance exam for the discipline “Automation of metallurgical processes”:


Theme 1. Basic information about measurements and instrumentation. Methods and means for automatically measuring the temperature

Theme 2. Instruments for measuring pressure and vacuum

Theme 3. Methods and tools for measuring the composition of gas mixtures

Theme 4. Methods and means for measuring the moisture

Theme 5. Methods and tools for the automatic level control

Theme 6. Methods and tools for automatic control of the flow rate and the amount of substance

Theme 7. Types and classification of automation. Static and dynamic characteristics of the regulated

Theme 8. classification of SAR

Theme 9. Automatic controls and regulation laws. Regulatory authorities.

Theme 10. Tools and systems for automatic control of the work was drying and heating furnaces. The temperature control of the thermal unit.


Questions on discipline:


1. Name and describe the main methods and means of measurement. Measurement error and accuracy class of measuring instruments.

3. A classification of methods for measuring the temperature.

4. Enter the principle of expansion thermometers, gauge and dilatometric thermometers. The principle of operation of thermoelectric converters.

5. What is the differential thermocouple? Requirements for materials for thermocouples. Standard thermocouple measurements and limits.

6. The principle of operation of radiation pyrometers, optical, photoelectric pyrometer and color pyrometer. The brightness, radiation color temperature of the body.

7. Types of pressure gauges, depending on their purpose and function.

8. Describe the principle of the mechanical and thermal conductivity gas analyzer

9. Explain the principle of operation of the device and opto-acoustic and thermal-magnetic analyzers.

10. The principle of operation chromatograph.

11. Describe the main methods of measuring humidity gas mixtures.

12. Explain the principle of operation of the device and instruments for measuring humidity of gases, solids and bulk materials.

13. Mechanical level gauges. Hydrostatic level measurement tools. Electrical measuring levels. Radiation, radio wave and acoustic transmitters.

14. Group of flowmeters to measure the flow and amount of liquids, gases and steam. The basic principles of their work.

15. Types of orifice devices.

16. Provide diagram of automatic regulation and control

17. Explain the nature of automatic control, automatic protection, automatic control, automatic control

18. Name the types of static characteristics of the regulated. Transfer coefficient of the controlled.

19. What is the analytical and experimental methods of constructing static characteristics.

20. The concept of input and output characteristics. Values ​​characterizing any process. The concept of an external perturbation.

21. Give a block diagram of open-loop and closed-CAP and allow characterization of its main elements.

22. Classification of automatic regulators “Act regulation.”

23. Give the transient response of standard controllers and let them explain.

24. Explain the purpose of controlling the supply of fuel, fuel-air ratio in thermal units. Provide diagram and explain the principle of auto-fuel ratio controller (fuel oil) air.

25. Explain the purpose of controlling the pressure in the ovens. Provide diagram and explain the principle of the automatic pressure regulator.




1.Фарзане Н.Г. Технологические измерения и приборы: Учебник для вузов/Л.В.Илясов, А.Ю. Азим-заде.-М.: Высшая школа,1989.-456 с.

2.Котов К.И. Средства измерения, контроля и автоматизации технологических процессов. Вычислительная и микропроцессорная техника/ М.А. Шершевер.- М.: Металлургия, 1989.- 496 с.

3. Гольцман В.А. Приборы контроля и автоматики тепловых процессов.-М.: Высшая школа,1980.-240 с.

4.Автоматическое управление металлургическими процессами: Учебник для вузов./А.М. Беленький, В.Ф. Бердышев, О.М. Блинов, В.Ю. Каганов.- М.: Металлургия, 1989. – 384 с.

5.Глинков Г.М., Маковский В.А. АСУ технологическими процессами в агломерационных и сталеплавильных печах. – М:. Металлургия, 1981.- 360с.

6.Брюханов В.Н. и др. Автоматизация технологических процессов. -М.:

Колос С., 2004. – 344с.


Examples of tasks


№1. Assign and justify mode 35HNM heat treatment of steel, hard-working in stressful conditions. Decipher steels include all phase transformations occurring during the heat treatment, the effect of alloying elements on the phase transformation structure and properties of the steel after the final heat treatment.


№2. Build a dual phase diagram with components that have limited solubility and experiencing eutectic transformation. Describe all conversion and phase diagram. For the alloy in the two-phase region show any effect of the phase rule and regulations segments.


№3. In a cubic crystal, build a plane , .


№4.  Determine the heat flux through 1 m2 brick walls of the room thickness δ = 510 mm, with a coefficient of thermal conductivity of λ = 0,85 W / m Со. Indoor air temperature = 18 Со, the heat transfer coefficient to the inner surface of the α1 = 7,5 W/m2 • Со. Outside air temperature = – Со, the heat transfer coefficient from the outer surface, windy, α2 = 20 W/m2• Со.Calculate also the surface temperature and .





Discussed at a meeting of the department of MM and N

The protocol №18 of 14.05.2015.


Head of the Department of NTM  ________________  Kulikov V.Y.
