Performed scientific works

1.1 State budgetary research work.

Name of topic: «Development and research of the process of production of high-quality metal»
The basis for performance: Grant of the CS MES of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Supervisor: Isagulov A.Z professor, Dr. Tech. Sci.
The main results: 













 Indirect results:


Students and undergraduates:

The design method of the working rolls and the rolls in the rolling billets with reverse taper. By using theoretical methods (slip lines method for solving differential equations of equilibrium and plasticity condition, etc.) and by computer simulation, that is, software package DEFORM 2D/3D defined distribution of stress-strain state and the rolling force, depending on the geometrical and technological parameters of the process rolling with a reverse taper rollers. 

Published an article in the journal database Thomson Reuters “Metallurgia International”, Budapest, Romania.

Thesis of the report is filed to participate in the international conference NanoSPD, June 30 – 4 July, 2014., Metz, France. The study has been 1 application for the invention, published 1 article in the collection of international conferences (METAl 2013, Brrno, Czech Republik, 15-17.05.2013), belongs to the information base of TR, 2 of the report of the International Scientific and Technical Conference ( Temirtau, 11-12 October 2013), obtained 1 prepatents Kazakhstan (№ 26445 RK)


Associate Professor Ph.D., Ashkeev J.A., E.M. Azbanbaev (Doc. METD-12) Isagulova D.A. (doc. METD-10), E. Aydarov ( Met-12-2), R. Dasaev ( Met-10-3)


1.2 State budgetary research work.

Name of topic: «Increase of corrosion resistance of metals by use the halloysite of nanotubes»
The basis for performance: Innovation grant JSC “National Agency for Technological Development.”
Supervisor: Isagulov A.Z professor, Dr. Tech. Sci.
The main results: 



 Indirect results:




Students and undergraduates:

The optimum composition and methods of application of nano-coating on steel and cast iron parts. 

Get Innovative patent number 26159

Filed one article in Proceedings of the University, published a report in 2 Proceedings of the International Conference, holds one master’s thesis.


Shcherbakovа E.P. (doctoral METD-11), A. Ahmetzhanova (CF-09-2), Tezekbaeva A. (CF-09-2), N. Zakaria (CF-09-2), J.T. Nurmaganova (MBM-12)


1.3 State budgetary research work.

Name of topic: «Development of technology for high-molds» 
The basis for performance: Grant of the CS MES of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Supervisor: Isagulov A.Z professor, Dr. Tech. Sci.
The main results: 


Indirect results:




Students and undergraduates:

The optimum composition of cold-mix. 


An article in the journal “Proceedings of the University”, one thesis – report in Proceedings of the International Conference, holds one master’s thesis.


Shcherbakova E.P. (doc. METD-11), Kovaleva T.V. (undergraduate MBM-11) N.A. Masalova (undergraduate METM-12).


 1.4 Action theme

Name of topic: «Development of technology for manufacturing large castings casting on gasified models» 
The basis for performance: Action theme
Supervisor: Kulikov V.Y.Cand. tech. sci., associate professor, department chair of MMiN 
The main results: 


 Indirect results:



Students and undergraduates:

Selection of the ink composition produced models chosen an experimental optimum selection drying polystyrene. 

2 Articles in the Foundry Production magazine are published



Shcherbakovа E.P. ( Doc. METD -11) , A.A. Sakbosynova ( undergraduate MET -12) Kovalevа T.V. ( undergraduate MBM- 11) , A.A. Pechnikov ( undergraduate MBM- 12) , D. Zhalpakov ( undergraduate MET- 12) , A.A. Murzahmetova ( undergraduate METM -12) , A.E. Kanapin (MET -11-2 ) , E.B. Spanov (MET -10-1 ), J.G. Smagulova ( undergraduate MET- 12) , N.B. Aitbaev ( undergraduate MET- 12) , D.M. Dospaev ( undergraduate MET- 12) , P.L. Ilyenkov (MBM- 12) , Muldahmetov Zh.H. (MBM- 12) , J.T. Orazalina (MBM- 12) , G.M. Sadvokasova (MBM- 12) , Toleshuly A. (MBM- 12) , A.U. Tusupova ( undergraduate METM -12) Kynybaev M. ( undergraduate METM -12)


1.5 Contractual topic

Name of topic: «Determination of mechanical properties and chemical composition of the alloys»
The basis for performance: Contract with «Temir-Arka”
Supervisor: Kvon S. S., Cand. tech. sci., associate professor
The main results: 


Indirect results:


Defined hardness and strength properties of alloy steels. The chemical composition of the alloy steels up to 0.01% 

One thesis report in works of the International conference is published



1.6 Action theme

Name of topic: «Research and development of the technology of surface hardening of parts made of cast iron and steel, working in conditions of friction and wear»
The basis for performance: Action theme
Supervisor: Sharaya O. A., doctor of PhD
The main results: 


Indirect results:


Students and undergraduates:

Literature review was carried out in the current state of the ion implantation of steel and cast iron surfaces. The tasks of further research. 

One report published in Proceedings of the International Symposium.


Azbanbaev E.M (doc. METD -12) Finaeva N.S. (.CF -10-2 ) , A.E. Kanapin (MET -11-2 ), E.B. Spanov (MET -10-1 ), J.G. Smagulova ( undergraduate MET- 12), N.B. Aitbaev ( undergraduate MET- 12) , D.M. Dospaev ( undergraduate MET- 12), P.L. Ilyenkov (MBM- 12-1 ), Muldahmetov Zh.H. (MBM- 12), Uvarova N.A. (METM -12), A.A. Pechnikov (MBM- 12), G.M. Sadvokasova (MBM- 12), Toleshuly A . (MBM- 12), M.E. Kynybaev ( undergraduate MET -12) D.O. Zhalpakov ( undergraduate MET -12) Tuyskhan K. ( undergraduate MBM- 12) , R.B. Sultangaziev ( undergraduate METM -11) , S. Oryngozhina ( undergraduate METM -11) , G.G. Balgabekova ( undergraduate MBM- 11) , Oshanova T.N. ( undergraduate METM -12)



4. Inventive activity

     А) Filing applications for patent and innovation

registration of the rights to the copyright (issue ICU)

Name author (s)

Title of invention

The applicant

Registration number


Ashkeev Zh. A.,Isagulov A.Z.,

Azbanbaev E.M. (doctoral)

The design of the rolling mill with conical rollers 

Ashkeev Zh. A.



Б) Getting innovative patents and certificates of public
registration rights to copyright

Name author (s)

Title of invention

Patent holder

Patent number, date


Ashkeev Zh. A.,Mashekov S.A.,

Azbanbaev E.M.

A method of continuous hot rolling of continuously cast slabs

RSE on PVC KazNTU. n.a. K. Satpaev of MES RK

26445 RК


Isagulov A.Z., Sharaya O.A., Kulikov V.Y.

A method of manufacturing shell molds of sand-resin mixture.

Isagulov A.Z.

RК № 78010


Demin V.F., Isagulov A.Z.,Demin V.F.

Plastic anchor

Demin V.F.

Innovative patent RK №27070
