
1) On the basis of the order of KSTU №659 from 07.10.2015 set up a working group for implementation of the pilot project “Bachelor of industrial areas” in higher ICT education of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the basis of the partner universities: ENU named after L. N. Gumilev, EKSTU named after D. Serikbayev, IITU (order No. 659 from 07.10.2015).

2) In 15.10.2015 the representatives of the Working group of KSTU took part in the First workshop on information technologies in Astana (presentation download).

3) In the period from 19.10.2015 to 20.10.2015 held a joint Meeting of NJSC “National infocommunication holding “Zerde”, KSTU and representatives of the leading enterprises of Karaganda in IT – technologies and automation of production processes. Objectives of the Meeting – participation in the implementation of the pilot project “Bachelor of industrial areas”.
