Admission of students

Center of engineering pedagogics announces admission of students for the educational program of pedagogical profile for graduates of profile master course.

The development of Additional program of pedagogical profile (APP) gives the right to pedagogical activity in system of professional education and admission to the doctoral program.

Implementation of Additional program of pedagogical profile is planned from 12.02.2018 to 01.06.2018.

The educational program of pedagogical profile for graduates of profile master course is implemented in accordance with State compulsory standards of postgraduate education, approved by the decree of the Government of RK dated 23.08.2012 № 1080 and the changes and additions in the edition of resolution of the Government of RK dated 13.05.2016 No. 292 (Annex 5, pp. 26, 27).

A certificate of completion is given after successful acquisition of disciplines of an additional educational program of pedagogical profile.

The contents of APP includes the learning of the following subjects and activities: “History and philosophy of science” – 2 credits, “Pedagogics” – 3 credits, “Methods of teaching technical subjects” – 2 credits, “Pedagogical practice” – 6 credits.

The cost of training for DOP is established at the total cost of credits of training and is 176 000 KZT.

More information about the program APP is available in Center of engineering pedagogics of KSTU, building 1, office 525, 531, tel.: 56-52-33 (internal 1112, 1117).

Applications are accepted till 31.01.2018.

The list of documents required for admission to APP:

  • application form (registration form);
  • copy of diploma and transcript of completion of the relevant graduate programs;
  • copy of identity card;
  • copies of applications for study in each discipline;
  • a copy of the agreement to study;
  • copy of the payment receipt.

Please, send an application for registration by e-mail:


Registration form
