Meeting with the famous philosopher

On 19 April, KSTU was visited by the famous philosopher, religious studies scholar, Abay researcher Omar Zhalel. During the event, Omar Spared held cultural and educational conversation with students, and presented his first book “Khareket” as well.

The first part of the book “Khareket” is presented in a form of monograph of research thesis of “Enbek-rukh” by Omar Zhaleluly. The second part of the book contains research articles and literary works of the author, written in the period from 1996 to 2016, which contribute to the education of the moral qualities and instill respect of youth to labour.

The meeting was attended by Deputy Chairman of the Council for Spiritual and Moral Education of KSTUZharkynTussupbekov, head of the Department Mining Aerology and Labor pProtectionNurbekZholmagambetov, head of Department of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan AssemSagatova and students of the University.

The conversation was interesting and informative. Students learned about the true purpose and role of men and women in society. Speaking to students, Omar Zhalel said: “A woman comes into this world as a preserver of the hearth, to raise children, and men are as the breadwinners for the family. In modern society, women are forced to deviate from their true purpose, sometimes they become the heads of the family themselves”.

The author pays particular attention to the understanding of human labour rights. Knowledge nourishes our mind, so to become the true bread winners of the family, it is necessary to acquire knowledge and work. You need to find your calling and work in the best interests of the country.

This deep philosophical work is intended to expand the worldview of Kazakh people and return to ancestral traditions. That is why such educational conversations are extremely important.
