Language courses abroad

Spring in  New York!

20% discount  on tuition fees for bookings made before  March 31, 2015!

Spacious campus EF 25 acres gives students the opportunity to feel what a real American University

Book Your course at this link:

Contact data:

EF Almaty

Business center “Premium”

St. Nauryzbai Batyr 31

7 floor, office 71

Almaty, 050000

Phone: +7 727 344 10 00


EF Astana

BC “Cascade”

St. Kabanbay Batyr 6/1 20 floor

office 201/3, 201/4

Phone: +7 7172 926 446


EF Atyrau

Hotel Chagall

St. Ismagulova 1, office 3

Atyrau, 060002

Phone: +7 712 276 36 00
