Сontest for the best logo and slogan of the University

Aiming at development of corporate culture and attracting students and University staff for activities to promote KSTU’s brand, the University holds a competition for designing logo and slogan of the University.

In the evaluation of the slogan Committee will consider several criteria:

— general perception of the slogan;

— originality;

— persuasiveness;

— capacity;

— memorability.

The slogan should reflect the focus on the strengthening and development of the leading University traditions, the role of the University in the region and the country, development prospects of the University.

In the evaluation of the logo contest Committee will consider several criteria:




-transfer of the correct image

-good readability


Logo and corporate style must also give the characteristic features of the University’s mission. From a practical point of view, the logo must look simple and not to lose in quality with its black-and-white image.

Competition is open to all students, staff, faculty, alumni of the University!

The winner of the slogan and logo will be given a valuable prize! The slogan and logo is an external reflection of happening global change at University, aimed at improving international competitiveness.

Examples of slogans of universities:

Stanford University —«Die Luft der Freiheit weht» (The wind of freedom blows)

University of Cambridge — «From here, light and sacred draughts»

ITMO University- «It’s more than University»

Email: spark.2011@mail.ru – specify “Contest” in the subject line
