Invitations to the conference

1. January 21-22 , 2016 Kazakhstan national Academy of natural Sciences, RSE “National center on complex processing of mineral raw materials of Republic of Kazakhstan” invites You to take part in the International scientific-practical conference Abishevskie chteniya -2016 “Innovation in complex processing of mineral raw materials” dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Laureate of the State prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan, academician Zhantore Nurlanovich Abishev and the 60th anniversary of the Laureate of the State prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan, academician Abdurasul Aldashevich Zharmenov.

The purpose of the conference is to discuss the results of modern researches in the field of complex processing of mineral raw materials, ensure the completeness of extraction of associated components.

2. December 10-11, 2015, Kazan state energy University invite You to take part in the first Volga scientific-practical conference “Electronics and automated electric drive in the fuel and energy complex and housing and communal services”.

3. December 10-11, 2015, Karaganda economic University, together with GKKP “Regional scientific-practical center “Saryarka daryny” of department of education of the Karaganda region invites young scientists, students of Universities, secondary educational institutions to participate in the conference research and project work “Contribution of young scientists of the Karaganda region in Expo-2017”
Detailed information can be obtained from the Department of science (main building, R. 226, tel 56-68-22, int 2226)
