International сooperation

Department «Engineering entrepreneurship and marketing»

Teachers of the Department “IPM” take an active part in international conferences. The Department maintains creative links with the Moscow state University named M.V. Lomonosov, chair of economic theory at the faculty of public administration, Institute of retraining and improvement of qualification of the Moscow state University named M.V. Lomonosov, Institute of control problems R SA (Moscow c., Russia). Cooperation is manifested in scientific ties, methodological consultations, completing the training, the exchange of scientific and educational-methodical literature, participation in conferences.

In addition, in the Institute of Economics there is agreement on international cooperation in the field of scientific researches with the following foreign Universities:

1) Khakas technical Institute, Branch of FSEI HPE «the Siberian Federal University». In the framework of the agreement to give lectures and training seminars in the KSTU was invited associate Professor of the Khakas technical University, The head of the Department SRS Brushtunov V.N.;

2) the Institute of public policy (d. Kiev, Ukraine);

3) the Ternopil national economic University (faculty of international business and management) (Ternopil c., Ukraine);

4) Non-state educational institution of higher professional education «Siberian Academy of Finance and banking» (Novosibirsk c., Russian Federation);

5) Technical University «Institute Zittau/Goerlitz,» (Germany).

Head of the Department “Organization Production” Steblyakova L.P. since 2006-2009 years is trained in doctoral studies at the Department of «Economic theory» Faculty of the state management at the Moscow state University M.V. Lomonosov (Moscow c., Russia)
(the scholarship of the President of RK «Bolashak»). In the same place in 2010, she has protected the dissertation on competition of a scientific degree “The doctor of economic Sciences” on a specialty 05.08.01 – «Economic theory».

In 2010 and 2011. Steblyakova L.P.  passed internship in the Institute of retraining and improvement of skills of the Moscow state University. M.V. Lomonosov Moscow state University on the speciality «Economic theory».

Yermekova K.

Zhenbayev M.B.

Sirazeva D.R.

The LIST  of the foreign publications  published by d.e.s., associate Professor Steblyakova L.P. (for the period 2013-2018years).

The LIST of articles published by the d.e.s., professor Aubakirova G.M.  in foreign journals  in 2013-2018 yy.

