Industrial Karaganda

April 29 th, 2012 students of Karaganda State Technical University have taken part in traditional relay race on prizes of the regional newspaper « Industrial Karaganda».

Manufacturing collectives, comprehensive schools, higher educational institutions, sports clubs and sports schools of Karaganda competed in relay race among themselves.

In the first running representatives of work collectives, colleges, professional lyceums and incomplete high schools competed. In this subgroup during of some years the winners were representatives of RMSI named after Talgat Bigeldinov. But this year, owing to good preparation and right tactics, combined team of Technological College at КSTU won the 1-st place.

Student’s command of KSTU participated in the strongest running, where HIGH SCHOOLS and sports boarding school competed, young men and girls ran 18 stages. The prize for a victory on the first stage of relay race was won by student of KSTU Abdikarimov Alibek. In team offset man’s combined team of КSTU has taken the 2-nd place.
