Implementation of  programs of  INTERNAL and EXTERNAL academic mobility of students and teachers of the university in the 2014-2015 academic year

        Academic mobility of students, faculty and staff is one of the main principles of the Bologna Declaration and one of the important activities of modern educational institutions.

        Work on realization of programs of academic mobility of students and teachers in the Karaganda state technical University is conducted in accordance with:


– the Rules of the organization of educational process on credit technology of training, approved by the order of MES of RK dated April 20, 2011 No. 152;

– Concept of academic mobility of students of higher educational institutions (approved at the meeting of rectors in the framework of the extended Board of  RK dated January 19, 2011);

– Rules of the organization of international cooperation undertaken by educational institutions (order of the acting Minister of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 27, 2007 № 661);

– Rules of directions for study abroad, including in the framework of academic mobility (order of the Minister of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 30, 2011 No. 549);

– The regulation on the implementation of the programs of academic mobility in Karaganda state technical University.


In KSTU successfully implemented the basic principles of  the Bologna Declaration: introduction of credit technology of training, implemented joint educational programs with foreign universities, complete switch to a three-level model of training: bachelor – master – doctor Ph.D.

 Academic mobility contributes to improving the quality of higher education, increasing the efficiency of  scientific research, the establishment of external and internal connections, the use of global educational resources, it is important for personal development and employment opportunities, it  fosters respect for diversity and the ability to deal with other cultures.

To implement external academic mobility of students and academic staff the University has made 124  international contracts, agreements and memorandums with foreign organizations and higher educational institutions in 22 countries of the world.



 In the autumn semester of the 2014-2015 academic year 11 students of KSTU successfully completed the training within 1 academic period studied discipline on the agreed individual learning  plans and passed the exams with excellent results (average score of  95%), which indicates the quality of the obtained knowledge in:

  • Louisiana technical University (USA) – Bekzhan A. M., gr. BT-11-1 and Bizhambekova A. B., gr. MV-12-2;
  • The University of Trieste (Italy) – Tatkeeva A. M., gr. TEM-13-1 and Alashpe-kova A. S., gr. BR 12-1);
  • The University of Nancy (France) – Muratova, A. K., gr. RET-13-1;
  • National research University “MEI” (Russia, Moscow) – Tokhmetova K. M., gr. AUM-13-1 and Omarov A. S., gr. AUM-13-1;
  • National research Tomsk Polytechnic University (Russia, Tomsk) – Zhakan J., gr. AIU-11-3; Sergeev, D. S., gr. MET-13-5; Doskazhanov Ch. T., gr. W-12-2 and Vereshchagin D. O., gr. W-12-2.


 In the autumn semester of the 2014-2015 academic year in the period from 24.09.2014 to 24.01.2015 in KSTU by the  program  of external academic mobility trained 3 students from the University of Hradec Kralove (Czech Republic) on the specialty “Management”: Sarca Raskova, Veronica Mazancova and Martina Bilkova. Within 1 academic period, students studied the subject “Russian language”, “Management” and “Marketing” on the agreed individual learning plans, and passed the exams with excellent results (average score of 97%).

    According to the results of the trainings and refresher courses abroad in the framework of  implementation of the programs of academic mobility of teaching staff has experience of  foreign universities and enterprises on teaching the disciplines of the selected profile, as well as the quality level of proficiency in foreign languages.

     In the autumn semester of  the 2014-2015 academic year 7 professors of KSTU, in the period from 20 to 25 October 2014, in the framework of the cooperation Agreement has hosted a series of training sessions and scientific advice at the University of Shihezi (China). The delegation of  KSTU have covered relevant to the University of Shihezi research areas and educational programs, such as:

  1. Architecture and construction (Prof. Nuguzhinov Zh. S.);
    2.Automation of production processes (Prof., Brado I. V.);
    3.Mechanics (associate Professor Filippova T.S.);
    4.Economics (Prof. Koshebaeva G.K.);
    5.New chemical technology (associate Prof. Kabieva S. K.);
    6.Material  science (associate Professor Kwon, S. S.);
    7.Russian language (associate Professor Ospanova B. R.).


         In the framework of external academic mobility in the autumn semester of the 2014-2015 academic year 5 teachers KSTU visited:

– King’s College London (Greatbritain) –Eszhanova S.T. senior teacher of the FL department;

– Eurasian academy  (Slovak Republic) c.t.s. of the department of TM Bizhanov S. K., and c.t.s. Nikonova  T. U.;

St. Petersburg national research University of  “Information technologies, mechanics and optics” (Russia) – head of the deaprtmrnt of IAT Amirov A. Zh.;
– Laboratory for the study of microstructure and mechanics of materials (Russia) – senior lecturer of the department of MMandN Shcherbakov P.

As a result of participation in external academic mobility above faculty of the University held a series of training sessions and scientific advice, resulting in established contacts with foreign scientists by:

– collaborative research, publication of educational, scientific and methodical literature;
– preparation of at least one scientific article and its publication in collaboration with faculty for publications in ranked journals with non-zero impact factor;
– get a co-patents, acts implementation, commercialization of research;
– ensure the transfer of innovative technologies in the educational process of KSTU (video lectures, online conferences, case studies, lectures, questions for independent work of students, tests of mid-term and final control, create a file repository, and so on).

One of the requirements to academically mobile identity is the knowledge of foreign language at the qualitative level, enabling effective interaction in terms of social, cultural, academic and professional spaces. According to the results of the study abroad programs of academic mobility, the level of knowledge of foreign languages students, and knowledge in their chosen professions become better by learning from the experience of foreign universities.
     For the implementation of the academic mobility of students and academic staff the university has made 39 agreements on mutual cooperation with the universities of Kazakhstan, including the National:

1.Autonomous educational organization “Nazarbayev University” (Astana);
2.Eurasian national University named after L. N. Gumilev (Astana);
3.Kazakh national University named after Al-Farabi (Almaty);
4.Kazakh national technical University named after K. I. Satpayev (Almaty);
5.Kazakh national agrarian University (Almaty).

In the autumn semester of  2014-2015 academic year, the student Oral  Shynar, a student of the specialty “Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications” within 2 academic periods, including 6 and 7 academic semester  studied discipline on the agreed individual learning plans and passed the exams with excellent results (average score of 95%) in the Pavlodar state university named after  S. Toraigyrov.

In  KSTU in the autumn semester of  2014-2015 academic year, within 1 academic period, were trained on the agreed individual learning plans and passed the exams with excellent results (average score 95%) 5 students from:

  • Kokshetau state University named after Sh.Ualikhanov on the specialty “Safety and environmental protection” – Zhora M. K. and Nurgozhina A.Zh.;
  • JSC “Zhezkazgan University named after O.A.Baikonurov ”  in the specialty “Electric power industry” – Tazhi Sh. N. and Tokmagambetova Zh. U., and Kapsalyamova Z.S. in the specialty  “Geology and exploration of mineral deposits”.




In the autumn semester of  2014-2015 academic year, the internal implementation of  the academic mobility of  teaching  staff  of  the University was not implemented due to the reluctance of teachers to participate in this program.


To implement external academic mobility in the spring semester of the 2014-2015 academic year are planning to study in the University of Hradec Kralove (Czech Republic) students of  KSTU:


  • Moldabay N.O. , gr. ICTS-13-1C and Alberti  V., gr. W-12-2 on the  speciality “Computer engineering and software”;
  • Plekhanov E. N., W-12-2 on the specialty “Mathematical and computer-characteristic modeling”.


For the implementation of the academic mobility in the spring semester of the 2014-2015 academic year, the students of KSTU plan to complete the training in :


– Taraz state university named after M.Kh.Dulati;

 Pavlodar state university named after S.M.Toraigyrov;

– Karaganda state university named after E.A.Buketov;

– Karaganda economic university;

Karaganda state industrial university.
