Head of the staff

Head of the staff “Computer technology and software”of KSTU

Kogai Galina Davydovna, Ph.D., professor, corresponding member of the International Informatization Academy in Kazakhstan.

She was born in Karaganda city in the servantsfamily March 17, 1940.Citizen of Kazakhstan.

In 1963 she graduated from KSU with a degree “Physics and general technical discipline.” After graduation she worked at Karaganda ScientificResearch Coal Institute in the laboratory of computer technologies. Since 1967 she has worked as an assistant at KSTU, a senior lecturer, associate professor, professor KSTU.

In 1979 she defended her thesis at the Riga Polytechnic Institute in Riga city on the topic: “Investigation and optimization simulations division in the management structure of the production associations (for example, the association Karagandagormash)”.

On 5th November in 1979 year she was awarded the academic degree of candidate of technical sciences. March 3, 1982 she was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor of Information and Computer Science.

February 23, 2001 she was issued by diploma, Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Informatization. December 27, 2002 she was awarded the title of professor of KSTU, she has been working as a Professor of AIS, which changed its name to CT&S.

During her work at the university she conducted lectures, practical and laboratory classes on the course: “Computer Science”, “Decision theory”, “Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science”, “Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics”,”Statistical Methods”, “Mathematical Methods of Optimization”, “Expert Systems”, “Development Tools software”, “Management theory and decision making.” She conducts classes in the Master”s degree 6N0704 in “Computer Science and Software”.

Participated in the development of state educational standards in the doctoral degree 6D0704 in “Computer Science and Software”.

She supervises graduate in 6N0704 “Computer Science and Software” specialty.

In addition to basic training in the disciplines undergraduate and graduate training leads to excellence in the PKI at the Karaganda State Technical University for the discipline “Information transmission and data processing fieldsrazrabrtkepolehnyh resources.”

She has 162 published works and teaching materials development, including monographs, electronic textbooks, slide lectures, video lectures, multimedia presentations.

For an active research and teaching activities has a number of acknowledgments to be entered in the workbook, was awarded the Certificate of Merit for outstanding performance in scientific research and on the Day of Science, was awarded the medal “Labour Veteran” for outstanding service to the university awarded the title “Honored Worker KSTU”.In 2009 she was awarded a Diploma of Akim of Karaganda region for their active participation in the political life of the region.

Contact information Address: Karaganda, Boulevard of Peace, 56, Main Building, Room 300.

Phone: 8 (7212) 56-59-35 ext. 2054 E-mail: g.kogay @ kstu.kz

Scientific works
