Plan educational work

The list of curators WandFM

The schedule of duty in the dormitory: Dormitory KarSTU №1, «Armandastar Ordasy»«Serpindester Ordasy»


The strategic target of a youth policy consists in realization of priorities and creation of conditions for formation of the all-round harmoniously developed person of the student. Problem of educational work – formation at students of such qualities, as patriotism, civilization and social otvetst-vennost. At faculty the model of patriotic education of KarGTU on an example of the person of the First President of Republic Kazakhstan of N.A.Nazarbayev is successfully realized. Within the limits of this model the complex of educational actions, among which curator hours, conferences, «round tables» and debates is spent. Actively participating in scientific conferences, the Olympic Games, students of our faculty don’t disregard also playing sports.

Nonlearning educational work with students at the higher school is the major component of quality of preparation of experts and is spent for the purpose of formation at each student of a conscious civic stand, aspiration to preservation and augmentation of moral, cultural and universal values, and also developments of skills of constructive behavior in new economic conditions. Education of student’s youth on chair «Welding and foundry manufacture» is spent as for full members of a society and the high quality experts which distinctive features are: spirituality and high morals, civilization and patriotism, professional competence and independence, social and creative activity, adherence to a healthy way of life. Educational work is carried out according to the Concept and Schedule of students patriotic education on the example of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Department students on training to military

Throughout the training period an active part in the social and sporting life of the department “Welding and foundry” take students: Babakova A., Nurbekov S., Popov, E., . Folman V.

Stadium “Zhastar”. «We vote for the Leader»

The higher school purposes equally reflect both requirements of the person, and interests of a society. Developing the theory and a technique of the organization of educational process, we not only offer the concept, but also we analyze use possibility in education of students of those means which were traditionally applied at domestic school.

