Department of «Сhemistry and chemical technology»

The goal is to train and graduate highly qualified and in-demand personnel for the chemical, oil and gas industry, metallurgy, processing plants, research and design institutions, colleges and universities, ready to join the production cycle immediately after graduation.

The task is to provide high-quality education using the latest technologies at the level of modern requirements of production, science and technology that meet international standards.

The department provides professional training for bachelors, undergraduates, competitive specialists in priority areas of educational programs: “Chemical technology of organic substances”, “Biotechnology”, “Mineral enrichment”. Implements a two-degree educational program with a partner university of the National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (Tomsk, Russia) in the direction of the master’s degree in Chemical Technology of Organic Substances. Foreign scientists are involved as a foreign scientific consultant for master’s theses.

In addition to graduates, the department conducts classes in the disciplines of “Chemistry” and “Biotechnology” for students of all specialties of the NAO “KARTU named after Abylkas Saginov” according to working curricula and programs.


