Department of Foreign languages of KSTU announces admission of 1-2 courses students to the experimental groups of enhanced study of professional and technical translation

The course is intended to students wishing to develop cross-cultural skills, business, professional and technical communication and whose English language level is not below Pre-Intermediate.

Advantages of the course:

-The author’s programme collected of the best resources. Students learn without reference to one book, getting useful information that is possible to use for admission to master’s and doctoral programmes, studying in higher educational institutions abroad and working in international companies, etc.

— Participation in the University programme for academic mobility i.e. if student has good academic performance, he may study 1 term at University of near and far abroad by his major.

— Classes are intensive but they are held 2 times a week for the acquisition of all language skills of English, technical translation and qualitative perfromance of homework.

— The course includes regular workshops to hone skills and techniques of vocational and technical translation, including digital platforms.

  • The program for training translators in the field of technical communication relies on many years of experience (over 12 years) of “Foreign languages” Department staff.

— At the end of the course You will be able to read specialized English-speaking literature, to attend training and seminars conducted by foreign experts, to feel confident in a job interview in multinational companies, successfully defend thesis project in English.

— The certificate with the qualification “Technical and Scientific translator”.

Course duration – 3.5 years (7 semesters).

Tuition fee – 9000 KZT per month.

All those wishing to be admitted should take the placement test or provide a certificate confirming the level of language proficiency B1.

Start of training is scheduled for 1 February 2018.

For more information contact Department of “Foreign languages»,

1st building, room 526.

coordinator: Zhdanov E.A., tel.: 87473545957.
