About the defense of doctoral thesis Donenbayev Bakytzhan

In Karaganda State Technical University will take place Donenbayev Bakytzhan Serikovich the doctoral thesis defense for the Doctor of Philosophy PhD scientific degree on a theme: «Development of resource-saving manufacturing technology for large-sized parts of the technological equipment of the mining and metallurgical complex» on a specialty 6D071200 – «Mechanical engineering».

The work is performed at the Department of «Technological equipment, mechanical engineering and standardization», Karaganda State Technical University.

Language of defense: Kazakh.


  1. Usubov Sabiy Seitkazievich – doctor of technical sciences, Professor, Head of the Department “Mechanization and automation of production processes” of Almaty Technological University (specialty 05.03.01).
  2. Sembaev Nurbolat Sakenovich – candidate of technical sciences, Docent, Head of the Department of «Transport Engineering and Logistics» of Pavlodar State University named after S.Toraigyrov (specialty 05.03.01).

Scientific supervisors:

  1. Sherov Karibek Tagaevich – doctor of technical sciences, Professor of the department «Technological equipment, mechanical engineering and standardization”of Karaganda State Technical University;
  2. Audrius Chereška – Ph.D., Professor of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Lithuania).

Defense will be held: December 21, 2018, at 10.00 at Karaganda State Technical University at: 100027, Karaganda, Boulevard of Peace 56, first building, room 319.

            Website: www.kstu.kz, e-mail: bahytshan09@mail.ru



Отзыв научного консультанта Шерова Карибека Тагаевича

Отзыв зарубежного консультанта Аудрюса Черешка

Рецензия Сембаева Н.С.

Рецензия Усупова С.С

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