Dear University staff!

The program “Enhanced  Eurotalents”  is an international mobility program for scientists and researchers, which is co-financed by CEA (The French Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission) and the European Commission.

The program Enhanced Eurotalents is  for 2014-2018. The deadline for submitting applications is May 2017.

The program Enhanced Eurotalents focused on engaging in the laboratory of  CEA of foreign scientific personnel on temporary positions from 1 to 3 years to conduct research in the following areas:

  • energy, environment and climate change;
  • biological Sciences and biotechnology;
  • microelectronics, nanosciences and nanotechnology, Photonics, robotics, integrated systems, modern materials …
  • elementary particle physics, physics of the Universe…

The main goal of the program  Enhanced Eurotalents is to provide talented young scientists the opportunity to build a research career. It is expected that for each fellow the program  will be part of a long-term professional development plan. The participation in the program is available to young scientists working on a research project that allows the applicant to reach professional maturity, independence, expanding research horizons.

The program invites young researchers of any nationality who at the time of filing the PhD degree or at least has  four years of experience of research activity (after receipt of diploma of higher education). When applying, you should take into account that any interruption in research associated with personal or work points should not be included in the specified period. If the applicant during the three years immediately preceding the participation of the applicant in the program, worked or studied in France, the total duration of stay should not exceed 12 months.

Applications for participation in the program will be accepted continuously until May 31, 2017 and are considered three times a year: on  January 31, May 31 and September 30.


Detailed information about application published on the program website:
