Dear student!

We inform you about the beginning of admission to Ufa State Petroleum Technical University (Russia), Riga Technical University (Latvia), Tomsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (Russia), University of Coburg (Germany) and Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (Russia) for undergraduate students on academic mobility program for the fall term of 2018-2019 academic year.

To apply, please contact International Cooperation and Academic Mobility Center (office 241, main building). Application deadline is April 25.

Required proficiency in Russian and English languages, current academic performance GPA – 3.0 and higher and maximum compliance with the specialty.

The list of specialties can be found below:


Ufa State Petroleum Technical University:

Riga Technical University:

Tomsk State University of architecture and civil engineering:

University of Applied Sciences and Arts Coburg:

Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University:
