«Let’s make a connection»

Karaganda state technical university

Karaganda,  B.Mira, 56

Теl./fax: 56-88-01

Email: kargtu@kstu.kz

Informational message


September  6,  2013


Dear editors and journalists!


Trade-Union organization of KSTU students «Zhas Orda» on September 6, 2013 held introductory quest-marathon freshmen «Let’s make a  connection». The event was attended by all students of the first courses of KSTU.
Quest took place during the day, in the breaks between classes. Group of freshmen stayed on planned «stations» and answered the questions, connected with the history of KSTU.
Purpose of the event is to acquaint students with the main academic divisions of the University, development of team spirit within the academic groups, identification of leadership qualities.
