Boschanova Botagoz

One chance from a thousand!

Even in the finest dreams I did not imagine, that the chance to study abroad will be. I’ve never been ardent fan of Korean TV series and that I can`t say about language. For the first time I has started to study the Korean language at university and I have preferred to continue the further knowledge of language, studying dialects, but already within the precincts of one of the Korean universities.

So my idea was not long in coming. Just 2 months after studying Korean language I was accepted to university Chunbuk which is in the city of Chhondzhu at two two-hours of driving from Seoul. “Hanguk” in translation means the cold country. And inspite of that I did not love a cold, I was happy to be among all the participants won scholarship program.
We flew not long, but this time we have enough to prepare for the difficulties that emerged immediately as soon as we crossed the threshold of the airport. First of all difficulties consisted in ignorance of language and all attempts to explain to the Korean citizens, that we were foreigners , to whom it was necessary to reach to the city Chhondzhu reduced to a minimum, so as we did not know how to pronounce correctly the name of city. And here in 20 minutes after registration we went in the comfortable bus to city where nobody waited for us “Chendzhu.” (The matter is that we could not explain correctly to kind uncle Kim that should go in Chhondzhu).
Having reached to a campus, we were placed in a paid hostel at university which was like resembled more on a hotel. The hostel strongly differed from Kazakhstan of its modernization. With regard to education, the system was credit and we have chosen on one semester on 4 subject subjects. All classes are held in Korean language and consequently to understand it was very heavy but, not looking on all difficulties, I have mastered language for 3 weeks and could pass on an average level of the Korean language courses. (Besides lessons a special language course for foreigners are held which were cost 100 000). If a student was engaged well and did not miss classes, by the end of the course money came back.

Every day we got acquainted with new people and each time when people from the different countries of the world showed, interest to our country I was full pride of realizing how much Kazakhstan could become recognized.
I must note, that Korean people very hospitable and welcoming. During presentation we not time with the team traveled to the village to interview from the rural population how they grow up crop and that was a primary factor as, they still like to say a secret. Also we went to “house for aged” where grandmothers and grandfathers come to not live, but to spend time in a pleasant society, playing Korean chess and being engaged still many other things the most interesting things and to take from them interview was a pleasure.
Concerning to Korean youth it is possible to speak long. They like to conduct a cheerful way of life therefore before any difficulties they do not lose a smile that brings them faith in themselves. «Fighting» fighting cliques of all Korean youth or «Pashya» what it means to not surrender.

I have started to get friends from first days of arrival, but my best friend was “HE” Wonchou the Chinese on a nationality and simply good person who helped me in difficult instants, and in happy was pleased together with me. Our dialogue passed easily, and we understood each other with a floor of a finger (as often communicated by means of gestures).
Friends, I began to start the first days of arrival, but my best friend was “OH» Wonchou Chinese nationality and just a good person who helped me in difficult moments, but in the happy happy with me. Our communication was held, not by constraint, and we understand each other’s fingers off the floor (as often communicated with gestures).
«Toumi» “assistant” who was directed to me to help by the international cooperation department of the Korean national university became the irreplaceable person. Firstly she seemed to me the strange person enough who in the first day of ours acquaintance has led me to drink «sul`» «Korean vodka » as then it turned out, that for Korean people to drink vodka sitting on the lawn in front of the library among the white day it is normal.
And moreover she has explained to me to know a person better and to understand his ideas the weakening elixir is necessary. Here so we became friends and we communicate, to this day. She informs me about the last events in Korea and tells to me about our general friends.
And here time passes and memoirs as fresh as if it were only yesterday. And I am infinitely grateful to grateful to my mother for her support and love. Being so far away from me, she could be a pillar and only owing to force of maternal love I was able to smile and with easy to go through all difficulties.
