Head of the Department of Information and computing systems



head of the Department of Information and computing systems
karaganda state technical University,
candidate of technical Sciences

Contact details

Karaganda, Boulevard of Peace 56, main campus, room 300L

Official telephone : 8(7212) 56-75-98, vn.2045

E-mail: baimuldinmurat@mail.ru

Time of personal reception on saturday from 14:30 to 16:00


Baymuldin Murat Kairovich graduated with honors from Karaganda Polytechnic Institute in 1978 with the qualification “Mining engineer-builder”. In 1986 he defended his thesis, from 1991 – associate professor, since 2011 – academic professor, corresponding member of the MAIN.

He is the author of more than 170 scientific and methodological works, including 2 monographs, 3 textbooks, 10 teaching aids, more than 40 copyright certificates for inventions and patents of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

He was awarded with the honorary diploma of the Central Committee of the Professional Union of Coal Industry Workers of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a letter of thanks of the akim of Karaganda city, five letters of KSTU.


List of scientific and methodical works