Achieving desired goal is accomplished by solving the following problems:
1. Ensuring the protection of the rights and interests of country’s students.
Reaching by providing constant monitoring of social-economical and domestic situation in students surrounding, also by organization of raids to students’ dormitories, refectories, libraries and hospitals. Received data and decision’s tool is sent to appropriate authorities. In the case of absence of effective actions by the competent structures information is sent to higher authorities.

2.Formation and development of students’ sense of patriotism.
Work on production of concise devices, methods of formation and improvement of patriotism’s model by holding conferences, seminars, symposiums, forums, gatherings, round tables and also organization of student cultural-mass events (concerts, motor rallies, CFI and etc.) for development and support of young talents should be provided by AKS.

3. Formation of anti-corruption culture among student youth.
Law literacy of students is planned to raise by holding wide-ranging informational campaigns (production and expansion of various polygraphic products: posters, stickers, calendars, booklets and etc.), by emission of informational-topical audio, video; organization of questionnaire, start-up of the trust line, “hot” e-mail, “trust boxes” in higher education institutions. It’s possible to enclose agreements with state authorities (partially with financial police) for realization of system projects “Mission session” for more productive work.
4. Development of the intellectual potential of the student youth.
It’s planned a conclusion of mutually beneficial agreements, memorandums, contracts and other documents within the given direction for solving specific problems by cooperation and support of the students’ initiatives in the scientific sphere. Organization of the projects such as “Intellectual Olympiad”, “Student of the 21st century”, “Student of the year” and etc., holding of the scientific-practical conferences, forums, issue of the scientific publications and etc.
5. Formation of studentship’s healthy lifestyle.
Realization of motto “Healthy man-successful man” into the life of students youth. Holding of the informational campaign with production of the polygraphic production and thematic video; sport events, flash mob actions and raids by exposure sale facts of alcoholic drinks and tobacco goods to minors.

6. Development of the organization of the AKS’s internal and external cooperation.
Great attention will be paid for the work by cooperation between structural subdivisions of AKS, establishment of work contacts with state authorities, commercial structures, various institutes of civil societies and international organizations.
History of the Alliance of Kazakhstan students. January, 2005 a group of students informed about willingness of organization of joint students movement on the meeting of Minister of Education and Science of the RK with representatives of country’s youth. In February organizational work was held by initiative group, methodical materials were developed by formation of the structure of new movement. Meetings were held in universities with representatives of the country’s social unions. Strategy of the activity was developed.
March 15, press-conference with participation of students from capitals’ universities was held in International press-centre in Almaty. They acted with open manifest about intention to create Republican students movement “Alliance of Kazakhstan students”. March 16, they were supported by students of Almaty, 17-by students of Karaganda, Kostanay and Shymkent, 18-Aktyubinsk. First of all, students decided to hold open and honest elections of the leaders of new movement in the universities of the country, prepared special recommendations and sent to all higher educational institutions of the country. At the same time a letter with request to support them in their intention to unity was sent to Minister of Education and Science of the RK. Initiative was approved. From March 20 elections of the leaders of Alliance of Kazakhstan students began in the higher educational institutions.

Objectives, direction and main objects of the activity.
The main objective of activity of the Republican student movement “Alliance of Kazakhstan students” (hereafter-AKS) is to formation of social reputation of AKS as organization which really solves judicial, social-economical and household problems of the students youth and take part actively in establishment of independent Kazakhstan.
Achieving desired goal is accomplished by solving the following problems:
1. Ensuring the protection of the rights and interests of country’s students.
Reaching by providing constant monitoring of social-economical and domestic situation in students surrounding, also by organization of raids to students’ dormitories, refectories, libraries and hospitals. Received data and decision’s tool is sent to appropriate authorities. In the case of absence of effective actions by the competent structures information is sent to higher authorities.

2.Formation and development of students’ sense of patriotism.
Work on production of concise devices, methods of formation and improvement of patriotism’s model by holding conferences, seminars, symposiums, forums, gatherings, round tables and also organization of student cultural-mass events (concerts, motor rallies, CFI and etc.) for development and support of young talents should be provided by AKS.

3. Formation of anti-corruption culture among student youth.
Law literacy of students is planned to raise by holding wide-ranging informational campaigns (production and expansion of various polygraphic products: posters, stickers, calendars, booklets and etc.), by emission of informational-topical audio, video; organization of questionnaire, start-up of the trust line, “hot” e-mail, “trust boxes” in higher education institutions. It’s possible to enclose agreements with state authorities (partially with financial police) for realization of system projects “Mission session” for more productive work.
4. Development of the intellectual potential of the student youth.
It’s planned a conclusion of mutually beneficial agreements, memorandums, contracts and other documents within the given direction for solving specific problems by cooperation and support of the students’ initiatives in the scientific sphere. Organization of the projects such as “Intellectual Olympiad”, “Student of the 21st century”, “Student of the year” and etc., holding of the scientific-practical conferences, forums, issue of the scientific publications and etc.
5. Formation of studentship’s healthy lifestyle.
Realization of motto “Healthy man-successful man” into the life of students youth. Holding of the informational campaign with production of the polygraphic production and thematic video; sport events, flash mob actions and raids by exposure sale facts of alcoholic drinks and tobacco goods to minors.

6. Development of the organization of the AKS’s internal and external cooperation.
Great attention will be paid for the work by cooperation between structural subdivisions of AKS, establishment of work contacts with state authorities, commercial structures, various institutes of civil societies and international organizations.

Honourary member of AKS are:
• Minister of Education and science of the RK-Tuymebayev Zh.K.
• Minister of the Health care service of the RK – Dosskaliyev Zh.A.

• Deputy of the Chairman of Assembly of Kazakhstan’s people – Tugzhanov E.L.

• Akim of Eastern-Kazakhstan region – Saparbayev B.M.

• Vice-minister of education and Science of the RK – Shamshidinova K.N.

• Chairman party control of PDP “NUR OTAN” – Rakhimbekov B.G.

• Deputy of the Parliament’s Mazhilis of the RK – Abenov M.A.

. • Deputy of the Chairman of the Agency of the RK by fight with economical and corruption criminal (financial police) –Lukin A.I.
• Secretary of the Council of youth policy by President of the RK – Shoykin G.N.
• Deputy of Akim of Eastern-Kazakhstan region – Sadykov M.K.
• Rector of the Eastern-Kazakhstan state technical university – Mutanov G.M.

According to Conception of AKS activity accepted in September 2008, for achievement of desired goal realizes work by 6 directions:
• Providing the defense of rights and interests of country’s students youth.

• Formation and development of students’ sense of patriotism
• Formation of anti-corruption culture among students youth.
• Development of intellectual potential of students youth.
• Formation of healthy lifestyle among studentship.
• Perfection of the organization of AKS internal and external cooperation. Expected result.

Конечным итогом проведенной работы должно стать общеизвестность АСК как организации, реально решающей социально-экономические, бытовые проблемы студенческой молодежи и активно участвующая в становлении Независимого Казахстана.
В январе 2005 года на встрече Министра образования и науки РК с представителями молодежи страны группа студентов заявила о готовности организации единого студенческого движения.
Final result of the executed work must be the common knowledge of AKS as organization, which really solves social-economical, household problems of students youth and takes part actively in establishment of Independent Kazakhstan.
January, 2005 a group of students informed about willingness of organization of joint students movement on the meeting of Minister of Education and Science of the RK with representatives of country’s youth.
In February organizational work was held by initiative group, methodical material were developed by formation of the structure of new movement. Meeting were held in the universities with representatives of social unions of the country.
At present Alliance of Kazakhstan students is one of the biggest student movements in the country, consolidating more than 30 thousand students, it has regional representative establishments in 24 cities of Kazakhstan.
AKS represents the Republican main office on the Republican level.
AKS represents city main offices of AKS on the regional level.
City main offices of AKS are subordinated directly to the Republican main office of AKS.

Мы в сети:

Официальная группа Альянса студентов
Казахстана в Facebook

Официальная группа Альянса студентов Казахстана
г. Караганды в Facebook

Официальная группа Альянса студентов
Казахстана В контакте

Гимн АСК

Пройти сотни дорог,
С Казахстаном добиться высот,
Сплотив знания в Альянс,
Поставили цель для всех нас.
Знайте, мы не одни,
Исполняем мечты,
Станем гордостью нашей страны.
Как единая семья,
Будем вместе ты и я
Все преграды обойдем
Казахстан наш обший дом (2р.)

Талап өрге бастап,
Көксеген арманы асқақ,
Елін, жерін сүйген,
Ел бізбенен ел бір, достар,
Ізгілікте арын
Жүректерде жалын,
Білімге құштар дарынды жастар,
Тұғырды түлеп ұшқан,
Жарлайық кел – кел достар,
Алақаны аялы,
Саялы отан Қазақстан,
Алтын бесік Қазақстан.

Альянс студентов – это высший класс,
Альянс студентов – всегда за нас
Звезда надежды в небо летит,
Альянс студентов на помощь спешит,
Вставай вместе с нами,
Смотри лишь вперед,
Альянс студентов пламя и лед
