About defense doctor dissertations Shaimardan Nurjan

Defense of doctoral dissertation for getting degree of Doctor of Philosophy PhD of Shaimardan Nurjan by the theme: “Research and development of technologies for processing lead prefilts zinc production” by specialty 6D070900 – Metallurgy will be taken place in the Karaganda state technical University.

Dissertational work has been done at the department “ Chemistry, Metallurgy and Enrichment ” of EKSTU named after D.Serykbaev. Defense will be held in Russian.


  1. Kulenova Natalya Anatoliovna – Candidate of Engineering Sciences,
  2. Abisheva Zeynesh Sadirovna – Doctor of Engineering Sciences, professor.
  3. Mamyachenkov Sergey Vladymyrovich – Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor (Russia).
  4. Ryspayev Talant Akymjanovich. – Doctor of Engineering,  (Germany).


  1. Zhumashev Kalhaman Zhumashevich – doctor of technical sciences, professor, head of the “Physics, chemistry, conjuctive use of conditioned wasteges ” laboratory at HMI named after Zh. Abishev. (05.16.02).
  2. Ahmetova Sandugash Sovetovna – candidate of Technical Sciences, senior teacher at university «Bolashak» (53.40.01).

Defense will be taken place on 22 December, 2016 at 14 o’clock at KSTU. The address is 100027, Karaganda city, Mira avenue. 56, Main Building, 308 – room.

Website: : www.kstu.kz.  , e-mail: nurjan2010@mail.ru.

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Отзыв зарубежного научного консультанта Рыспаева Т.А.

Отзыв Абишева З.С.

Отзыв Куленова Н.А.

Отзыв Мамяченков  С.В.

Отзыв Жумашев К.

Отзыв Ахметова С.С.
