
28 November, 2013. From April 8th till November 22nd 2013 at Kazakhstan Welding Institute under the KaragandaStateTechnicalUniversity the first group of Kazakhstani welding specialists have attended and trained on course “International Welding Engineer”.

The realization of this project have been fulfilled in accordance with the task given by the head of the state Mr. Nazarbayev and on initiative of the French oil and gas company “TOTAL”, under support of the Ministry of Oil & Gas, French Welding Institute (Institut de Soudure) with participation of the independent Kazakhstan Welding Association “KazWeld” and in collaboration with the international oil and gas companies “Karachaganak Petroleum Operating”, “North Caspian Operating Company”, TCO and TOTAL.

The goal of this project – to train Kazakhstani welding specialists according to the international standard.

The first group of 22 students representing different regions of Kazakhstan went through this course. This IWE course was conducted by the trainers from the French Welding Institute (Institut de Soudure) in English with Russian translation. The training study materials have been distributed to the students.

This “International Welding Engineer” course consists of 4 Modules: “Welding Process and Equipment”, “Structure and properties of metals”, “Structural System and design”, “Quality assurance in welded fabrication, Non destructive Testing and HSE”.

All selected students have successfully passed exams and receive the international diploma “International Welding Engineer”. This type of diploma is given by the International Institute of Welding and recognized by 56 county members of IIW (Europe, North and South America, Japan, China, Russia etc).

This is a unique opportunity for the Kazakhstani specialists to upgrade their professional level, competitiveness in the labor market and obtain the possibility to work at any local or international companies as on the territory of Kazakhstan, so abroad.

The group of KSTU teachers of Weling Department along with the selected students has been trained too; these KSTU teachers will get the right to conduct this IWE course at the next year under the supervision of the French trainers. Teachers of will read the relevant attended modules according to the IIW standard. They are: Bartenev I.A., Bochenin V.I., Achmetbekov M.T., Zhuravlyev N.I., Absatov D.K.

This project is KSTU’s contribution into the State program of industrial – innovation development strategy “Kazakhstan 2050” and also devoted to the 60th anniversary of KSTU.

At this graduation ceremony representatives from the French Embassy, from MES, MOG, MINT, from international oil and gas companies “TOTAL”, “KPO”, TCO and NCOC, representatives from the big industrial plants, local and regional akimats will take part.
